16 August, 2010

16 August, 1943

438th AAA AW BN
Camp Edwards, Mass
August 16, 1943

Wilma, Dear –

No depression exists today. For awhile this morning I wasn’t sure that I existed, and then it all came back to me, - a girl, a moon and alcohol. Ah! There’s the rub! I understand there’s a strong movement again for something like the old Prohibition Act. I’m inclined to think it would be a good idea, but I want to think it over a little more, ie. – think and drink. And then if I can’t make up my mind say after 30-40 years, I’m going to vote for a Moratorium.

Anyway. I was sleepy-eyed driving home or rather to Camp last nite. We got in somewhat after twelve (Mido time). I had a fair amount of work to do this morning, have just had lunch and I’m going over to the Obstacle Course after I’m through writing to you.

You know, one of the reasons I’m writing you so early is that I’m not sure when your Birthday is. I though you said the 17th, one week, but then you changed it last week. Anyway – in view of your uncertainty, and in lieu of the real thing, I felt I ought to express my wishes one way or another, so –

Poem expressing same wish as title,
With own choice of sentiment.

Trimmings maybe flowers, a pretty cottage.
(Very popular is the use of a Scotty)

If I learn later that it was your Birthday after all, dear – we can celebrate at another date, and next year I’ll send you two (2) cards and perhaps something else.

Enough of that. This week, as I told you, we have no field problems or firing – so dammit I’ll be off nice and early. However, I have something in the nature of a surprise. Coming back last nite, the Col. told me about a testimonial dinner he planned to attend next Monday in Boston – and that he was probably going to take a one day Leave, which means he wouldn’t have to be back until Tues. evening, which in turn means he’ll be off Sat, Sun, Mon & Tues, which is 4 days. The interesting point is that he used the word “we” when he talked about it, implying that as long as he was going to be off, I might as well also. I gave him a terrific argument, but finally succumbed. (You know me, dear.) It’s not definite, but I feel reasonably certain that I’ll be off those days; if so how about my seeing you or should I say your seeing me Monday, Tuesday or both? I haven’t been in town on a week-day for a long time. It ought to be fun.

The boys are waiting so I’d better stop now. Have a good time at the wedding and let’s hear from you soon. Again – best wishes. So long.


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