27 October, 2010

27 October, 1943

570th AAA AW BN (SP)
Camp Edwards, Mass
Oct. 25, 1943    1930

Dearest Sweetheart –

It was swell talking with you a short while ago. Just not having called you one night made me miss you terribly. It’s an awful feeling – . I’m sorry darling, that you didn’t get my first letter until Wednesday a.m.; and I tried so hard to get it out in the first mail. I didn’t realize, by the way, that I make the week-ends seem confused. Anyway you have it straight now, dear.

This afternoon, as I’ve already told you, Medwin called. He had been trying to contact me since Monday. I can understand his difficulty. He talked very nicely. I told him there was a good chance of my going up to So. Hadley – and you know what he said, darling? He said he could understand why I would be going up, since you were up there and worth going up to see. As if I didn’t know that myself!

Since he knows how to drive, I’m glad to have him come along anyway, and it ought to make the ride seem shorter than if I were going alone. I was planning to cut off at Palmer, however, and head for Three Rivers, etc. and directly into S. Hadley, rather than thru Holyoke. It’s considerably shorter that way. On the other hand – maybe I can meet you in Holyoke at the Hotel – and we can have that much more time together. No –, dear – I think it will be better if I pick you up. I can let him off at So. Hadley. He’ll be able to get over to Holyoke without too much trouble. I’d rather call for you at the School. I’m looking forward to it keenly, darling, and this time we won’t have to bother about fixing anyone up. We’ll be alone and that will be swell.

Today, Sweetheart, I had a busy day. This poor outfit has really needed an MD – and the boys, as well as the officers came in in droves. One of the Majors came in with a complaint that needed a certain type of ointment. He had had several and none had helped. I remembered a particular ointment that I had at the 438th dispensary and sent for some and gave it to him. Well, this evening he stopped me and said he wasn’t going to let me go back to the 438th because I was a good doctor etc. etc. and that was the first ointment that every helped his itch and burning. Of course, he’s got nothing to do with my staying, but he was complimentary anyway.

In a little while darling I’m going over to the Coonamessett Club and meet a few of the boys. I’ll have one or two for you too, dear, and then come back and get some rest. All right? I’ll stop now, dear, and write you a few lines in the a.m. It’s hard to write in the a.m. now because the Dispensary here is a madhouse from the moment I enter. Until tomorrow morning, Sweetheart – so long.


Good Morning, Sweetheart –

I’m on my way to breakfast now. We went to the Coon Club – as expected. I now have a slightly used knife for our collection. Remind me to give it to you, dear. I can’t wait for Sat. to come – and I’ll have the car checked tomorrow so there won’t be any delay. Today is another busy time for me, but I don’t care. I’m thinking of Sat, dear. I’ll call you tonite – So long for now, darling and

All my love

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