438th AAA AW BN
APO 578 % Postmaster, N.Y.
17 April, 1944 2230
My dearest darling Wilma –
I haven’t written you at this hour for a long time, it seems – but I thought I’d better write tonite because I’m pretty certain I won’t be able to get a letter off tomorrow. I have to make a trip after some medical supplies starting early in the morning and since it’s quite a way off, I’m pretty sure of getting back quite late – and probably tired. Besides, darling, I got three letters from you, dated on the outside of the envelope April 6, April 11 and April 12!! Just think of it – 5 days later and I’m reading it! That is absolutely the best time ever – and there doesn’t seem to be any doubt about those letters having been flown over. Boy, it’s wonderful to read something you wrote less than a week ago – that makes me feel so close. I had to stop and wonder how I’d feel when I actually saw you in person. I know I’ll be beside myself with joy and exaltation when that time comes, darling.
Your letters, dearest, are very sweet and give me the uplift you imply mine do for you. Being actually engaged to you is still like a dream for me – and when you refer to our first meeting each other – I have to stop and recapitulate events and wonder how I was so lucky to have reached this state. I can’t believe it possible – and yet you write me of your ring and I see in print – that everyone else can see too – our name linked in engagement. I was thrilled by the newspaper clipping sweetheart – and thrilled isn’t even the word. There in print it says that Mr. and Mrs. Etc. announce the engagement etc. – and this time as I read it – it concerns you and me and not some other couple. It almost startles me, darling – but oh! so pleasantly! Darling I’m so proud of you and so happy that I was able to become your fiancé in every sense of the word.
I loved your picture, dear, and I’m so glad you included one of my Mother and Father B. – my family. You have – shall I way – a wistful look on your face – and sweetheart, I love it. And the one of yourself is swell. I’m going to try to get both into my wallet. You mention not calling my folks Mother and Dad. Darling – if they haven’t mentioned it it’s simply because they’re modest and haven’t wanted to impose anything on you you might not want to do. Knowing my mother A. as I know you are beginning to – you can understand what I mean, I’m sure, dear. Everyone thinks his mother is about the best ever. I know this about my mother – and that is that there aren’t many just quite like her – and I know you’ll agree. Anyway, dear, I know they would like to have you address them as Mother and Dad. Incidentally – I yet haven’t received a letter form home telling me about our Engagement – except for one from Lawrence – that I’ve already mentioned. There must be a couple on the way, no doubt.
In your V-mail which I received today you mention a Dr. Alexander. Yes, I know him – he’s Ben A. – a very brilliant M.D. who has done a lot of research work at the B.I. He’s very well known in his field, too.
I saw the picture “Lassie Come Home” and at the time never dreamed I would ever visit a Yorkshire. It’s actually as you see it in the movie – just as quaint and fresh and green. I wish you could be here to see some of this lovely countryside – dear.
Well – Sweetheart – it’s getting late for me – and I have to get an early start in the a.m. – so I’d better stop. I’m very happy, dearest, despite the war – and it’s because of my love for you – which is certainly becoming fuller and richer with each passing day. I am just living for the time when we can materialize that love, darling – and that day will surely come for us –
Love to the folks – and good nite – Sweetheart
I haven’t written you at this hour for a long time, it seems – but I thought I’d better write tonite because I’m pretty certain I won’t be able to get a letter off tomorrow. I have to make a trip after some medical supplies starting early in the morning and since it’s quite a way off, I’m pretty sure of getting back quite late – and probably tired. Besides, darling, I got three letters from you, dated on the outside of the envelope April 6, April 11 and April 12!! Just think of it – 5 days later and I’m reading it! That is absolutely the best time ever – and there doesn’t seem to be any doubt about those letters having been flown over. Boy, it’s wonderful to read something you wrote less than a week ago – that makes me feel so close. I had to stop and wonder how I’d feel when I actually saw you in person. I know I’ll be beside myself with joy and exaltation when that time comes, darling.
Your letters, dearest, are very sweet and give me the uplift you imply mine do for you. Being actually engaged to you is still like a dream for me – and when you refer to our first meeting each other – I have to stop and recapitulate events and wonder how I was so lucky to have reached this state. I can’t believe it possible – and yet you write me of your ring and I see in print – that everyone else can see too – our name linked in engagement. I was thrilled by the newspaper clipping sweetheart – and thrilled isn’t even the word. There in print it says that Mr. and Mrs. Etc. announce the engagement etc. – and this time as I read it – it concerns you and me and not some other couple. It almost startles me, darling – but oh! so pleasantly! Darling I’m so proud of you and so happy that I was able to become your fiancé in every sense of the word.
I loved your picture, dear, and I’m so glad you included one of my Mother and Father B. – my family. You have – shall I way – a wistful look on your face – and sweetheart, I love it. And the one of yourself is swell. I’m going to try to get both into my wallet. You mention not calling my folks Mother and Dad. Darling – if they haven’t mentioned it it’s simply because they’re modest and haven’t wanted to impose anything on you you might not want to do. Knowing my mother A. as I know you are beginning to – you can understand what I mean, I’m sure, dear. Everyone thinks his mother is about the best ever. I know this about my mother – and that is that there aren’t many just quite like her – and I know you’ll agree. Anyway, dear, I know they would like to have you address them as Mother and Dad. Incidentally – I yet haven’t received a letter form home telling me about our Engagement – except for one from Lawrence – that I’ve already mentioned. There must be a couple on the way, no doubt.
In your V-mail which I received today you mention a Dr. Alexander. Yes, I know him – he’s Ben A. – a very brilliant M.D. who has done a lot of research work at the B.I. He’s very well known in his field, too.
I saw the picture “Lassie Come Home” and at the time never dreamed I would ever visit a Yorkshire. It’s actually as you see it in the movie – just as quaint and fresh and green. I wish you could be here to see some of this lovely countryside – dear.
Well – Sweetheart – it’s getting late for me – and I have to get an early start in the a.m. – so I’d better stop. I’m very happy, dearest, despite the war – and it’s because of my love for you – which is certainly becoming fuller and richer with each passing day. I am just living for the time when we can materialize that love, darling – and that day will surely come for us –
Love to the folks – and good nite – Sweetheart
All my love forever, dear