17 April, 2011

17 April, 1944 (2nd letter)

438th AAA AW BN
APO 578 % Postmaster, N.Y.
17 April, 1944          2230
My dearest darling Wilma –

I haven’t written you at this hour for a long time, it seems – but I thought I’d better write tonite because I’m pretty certain I won’t be able to get a letter off tomorrow. I have to make a trip after some medical supplies starting early in the morning and since it’s quite a way off, I’m pretty sure of getting back quite late – and probably tired. Besides, darling, I got three letters from you, dated on the outside of the envelope April 6, April 11 and April 12!! Just think of it – 5 days later and I’m reading it! That is absolutely the best time ever – and there doesn’t seem to be any doubt about those letters having been flown over. Boy, it’s wonderful to read something you wrote less than a week ago – that makes me feel so close. I had to stop and wonder how I’d feel when I actually saw you in person. I know I’ll be beside myself with joy and exaltation when that time comes, darling.

Your letters, dearest, are very sweet and give me the uplift you imply mine do for you. Being actually engaged to you is still like a dream for me – and when you refer to our first meeting each other – I have to stop and recapitulate events and wonder how I was so lucky to have reached this state. I can’t believe it possible – and yet you write me of your ring and I see in print – that everyone else can see too – our name linked in engagement. I was thrilled by the newspaper clipping sweetheart – and thrilled isn’t even the word. There in print it says that Mr. and Mrs. Etc. announce the engagement etc. – and this time as I read it – it concerns you and me and not some other couple. It almost startles me, darling – but oh! so pleasantly! Darling I’m so proud of you and so happy that I was able to become your fiancé in every sense of the word.


I loved your picture, dear, and I’m so glad you included one of my Mother and Father B. – my family. You have – shall I way – a wistful look on your face – and sweetheart, I love it. And the one of yourself is swell. I’m going to try to get both into my wallet. You mention not calling my folks Mother and Dad. Darling – if they haven’t mentioned it it’s simply because they’re modest and haven’t wanted to impose anything on you you might not want to do. Knowing my mother A. as I know you are beginning to – you can understand what I mean, I’m sure, dear. Everyone thinks his mother is about the best ever. I know this about my mother – and that is that there aren’t many just quite like her – and I know you’ll agree. Anyway, dear, I know they would like to have you address them as Mother and Dad. Incidentally – I yet haven’t received a letter form home telling me about our Engagement – except for one from Lawrence – that I’ve already mentioned. There must be a couple on the way, no doubt.

In your V-mail which I received today you mention a Dr. Alexander. Yes, I know him – he’s Ben A. – a very brilliant M.D. who has done a lot of research work at the B.I. He’s very well known in his field, too.

I saw the picture “Lassie Come Home” and at the time never dreamed I would ever visit a Yorkshire. It’s actually as you see it in the movie – just as quaint and fresh and green. I wish you could be here to see some of this lovely countryside – dear.

Well – Sweetheart – it’s getting late for me – and I have to get an early start in the a.m. – so I’d better stop. I’m very happy, dearest, despite the war – and it’s because of my love for you – which is certainly becoming fuller and richer with each passing day. I am just living for the time when we can materialize that love, darling – and that day will surely come for us –

Love to the folks – and good nite – Sweetheart
All my love forever, dear

17 April, 1944

438th AAA AW BN
APO 578 % Postmaster, N.Y.
17 April, 1944           0820
My dearest sweetheart –

The start of another week and Charlie and the boys should be back tonight or tomorrow. I’ll be glad to see them again – because although it has been quite restful here – it has also been very lonesome. The weather hasn’t been too good either – but the natives say that around this time of April there’s always a 10 day period of cool, raw weather – which is then followed by real spring.

Yesterday, sweetheart, I wrote you early – and that was about the only active piece of work I did all the day. I read and dozed and dreamed and listened to the radio. Incidentally it has been announced here that one game a day – baseball game – will be broadcast directly from some ball-park in the States. They are certainly trying to make us feel at home here in the E.T.O. The game will be heard here at 2130 – corresponding to 1530 at home and will mean we’ll hear a full game minus the first few innings perhaps. I think it’s wonderful except for the undeniable fact that all these radio programs from home make you fundamentally more homesick. Lying on my bed yesterday p.m. and evening, I would close my eyes – and it was so easy to imagine myself at home – and so disappointing to realize you weren’t. Well – we shouldn’t kick – because there are so many fellows in such tough set-ups.

Gee – in two days – you’ll have your Patriot’s Day Holiday. I always liked that one. For one thing it always heralded the end of another school year; and there was usually a double-header at the ball park – with a chance to see the end of the Marathon. I haven’t seen a recent Boston Herald – but I assume the B.A.A. is still putting it on. Here of course – Patriot’s Day is not even known – and incidentally – it’s surprising how little most of the British know about the Revolution etc. Apparently it just isn’t studied here at all. And in discussing it at all – they always say that the King didn’t really want the colonies and planned on giving them up – a little different slant from ours.

I was re-reading a letter of yours from March 23rd (there was no mail for me yesterday) in which you mention sending snapshots, darling. I too, get mixed up in sequence, – it’s natural with the mail delay. I got some of you as a child some time ago and I believe I mentioned receiving them. Incidentally – I have them in a safe place – but would you prefer to have them back home? Now am I to expect more snaps – darling? If so – to date – I have not received any. In another letter you mention having sent a poem on “Love”. I haven’t received that either – but it will probably catch up with me. Oh – by the way, darling, I sent off another parcel the other day with a couple of pieces of junk. I really don’t know why because we’ll never use some of it probably. But I pick it up here or there and then it collects around the room and rather than throw it out – I mail it. But I guess we can always use the ash-trays. Oh one thing in this parcel – we will be able to use – on our front door. I liked it because it was odd, and incidentally, very old. Maybe you’ll think differently, dear.

Well, darling, I’m going down to the dispensary now and get things organized for tomorrow. I hope I hear from you today, dear. Now that we’re actually engaged, it seems as if I miss even more – not hearing from you regularly. It’s as if you belong to me and I want to know everything that you’re doing and thinking. You don’t mind the possessive feeling on my part – do you sweetheart? I do love you, though, dear – so very much and it’s natural to feel that way, I guess.

Darling – I’ll close now. My best love to the folks and to you, dear –

All of my “extra special” kind of love
P.S. “extra special”cannot
be put into words.

16 April, 2011

16 April, 1944

438th AAA AW BN
APO 578 % Postmaster, N.Y.
16 April, 1944       0900
Dearest darling –

Although it’s Sunday morning and we’ve been sleeping later, I’ve already had my breakfast, tidied up my room and I’m ready to write you, dear – and it’s only 0900. I’m so darned rested up, it’s appalling. What with taking it so easy these past 10 days, plus several work-outs in squash – I’m really in better shape than I’ve been in a heck of a long time.

Today should be another quiet day, like yesterday. I didn’t budge out of my room all day except to eat. It was sort of raw out and I had my fireplace going the whole day. I shall probably do the same today as the weather is still about the same. This room of ours – is really pretty. It’s rectangular except for a sort of bay window with fancy glass – the window overlooking the Lake. If you received the card I sent you – you can see what we look out on. The fireplace is at one end of the room with a fancy white mantelpiece, and of course there’s room for two single beds, one large desk and two bed tables. We have a straw – summer type rug and our own sink and mirror. So it’s not too bad a room to have to hang around in, darling – if only you were around here to come up and visit it.

Yesterday I got two letters from you – March 25th and 26th – and what interests me particularly, sweetheart, is that apparently everything concerning our engagement was hanging mid-air, so to speak, until the very last moment, because for example, in your letter of the 26th – no mention whatsoever is made of it and yet 5 days later we were engaged. Apparently my letters were held up and they were the necessary go-ahead signs – which is as it should be – I think.

In one of the two letters I received yesterday, you mention liking Ruth. I’ve been wanting to hear you say that – but I guess you hadn’t seen much of her. Ruth and I were always very close to each other – all our lives – with only 1½ yrs’ difference in our ages. We grew up together as real pals. She has always been sincere and straightforward with everyone and I knew you’d really like her when you got to know her. As for Eleanor – the simple fact is I don’t know her. She was growing up while I was doing junior interning, regular interning and practicing, and before that, of course, she was just a child – so I hardly know her at all.

I was glad to read, dear, that Les was able to get home on a 3 day pass. Boy – what I wouldn’t give to be able to do that! Incidentally – you mentioned telephone calls overseas. I was greatly interested in that – because I hadn’t heard about it. I’ll be able to find out nothing in this town though – it’s too small and I shall have to wait until I can get to a big city. I believe I intimated in a letter of several days ago that from here I don’t think we’ll be able to get to any big cities, at least – not in England. Well – I’ll see. You can bet Sweetheart – that if it’s at all possible to call – that I would do it at the very first opportunity. Gee it would be just wonderful to be able to say ‘hello’ and have you answer! Even if they allowed us a minute or so – it seems to me I could say so much and yet I’ll bet I’d end up saying “Darling, I love you and miss you very much” – and our time would be up.

I started to say something about Les, and I got sidetracked. So the guy’s in the infantry? What is his rating? One thing about the infantry is the chance for advancement, because they have a large table of organization. Incidentally – the place you mention – you may or may not know – serves as a large staging area for troops getting ready to go overseas – or at least it did. I don’t believe that is a breach of censorship – because it is known generally in the States. I knew it before I was even in the Army. He’ll probably get hooked up with some infantry division that’s already trained and ready to go over. Find out what outfit he’s in, dear, if you can.

Well, Sweetheart, darling and fiancée – that’s all for now. How does it feel to be engaged so long, anyway? It feels good over here! Hope all is well at home, dear. My love to the folks. For now, darling – so long and

All my love

15 April, 2011

15 April, 1944

438th AAA AW BN
APO 578 % Postmaster, N.Y.
15 April, 1944        0830
My dearest darling Wilma –

Well it’s half a month now that we’re engaged. My how time flies! I didn’t get any mail yesterday, so I re-read several of your most recent letters and darling I’m so glad that you’re so happy about us. I know you are – and it’s so nice to read. I am too – and considering that our folks are pleased, also – all in all it sounds like a satisfactory set-up. As a matter of fact, the set-up is actually wonderful – and it will be some time yet, I know, before I’m fully aware of the fact that we are actually engaged.

Back here, darling, it’s a dull Saturday morning – with nothing particular in view to break up the day. It’s still very quiet and lonesome but should return to normal in about 3-4 more days.

Yesterday I was able to arrange a game of squash with the English officer I played with earlier in the week. We had an excellent match – and this time I beat the pants off him. They play the game a bit differently here in England and with not having been in trim condition from just sitting around – I couldn’t win consistently. But I’ve now played several times, my stiffness is gone and I was really running around the court yesterday.

In the evening we had another bridge game and spent a very enjoyable few hours – the cards were pretty well distributed. My partner and I lost – but only by 500 points, which isn’t bad after an entire evening’s play.

You once mentioned buying books, etc. I’ve thought of that a great deal – but it comes down to a question of either buying some very old odd volumes – which can be picked up here and there – or buying sets of books – not so old. From what I’ve seen – American binding is far superior to here and I think we’ll be able to start a good library right back home. I have been looking for a good set of Shakespeare – but so far haven’t come across any.

In this old town, darling, there are a couple of antique shops with some lovely articles – most of which would be practically impossible to ship home, however. The other day I went moseying around and in a corner I came across a set of six original colored prints – all of horses with different type buggy or wagon attached – each depicting a different scene in English life. They’ve been re-framed with a simple black frame. I’d say that they were about the size of this sheet of paper. They’re about 100 yrs old. I can buy the set for about £6. – and I told the man to set them aside for me. I’m still waiting for my change in allotment to come thru. The govt. now owes me about £70 and it should be coming through any time now. As soon as it does – I think I’ll buy those prints and send them home to you. They’ll go nice in a den or some such room.

I’ve got to run along down to the Dispensary now, Sweetheart. I miss you so, dearest, especially now that we’re engaged. It seems more agonizing to be apart – knowing that you really belong only to me and I can’t do much about it – but nevertheless it is quite satisfying to realize that our love is for each other only. Do you find that true too, darling? I love you so strongly and so differently – I didn’t know the feeling was possible – but I’ll tell you about it when I see you – Sweetheart. Love to your our folks and for now – so long.

All my love for always, dear


about the "Six Original Colored Prints"

Greg mentioned his intent to go back to buy six prints from a local antique shop. Although it is not certain, it is likely that these original pencil and watercolor drawings were done by Alfred Sheldon Williams, who lived from 1840 to 1881. Although not much has been written about Alfred, he was known to be a farmer and illustrator, specializing in equestrian subjects, who lived in Winchfield, Hampshire, UK. He also is known to have exhibited four paintings at The Royal Academy. The painting shown below called "Going to Cover", identified as his, appears to be very similar to the 6 prints that follow, bought by Greg and sent home to Wilma.

"Going to Cover" by Alfred Sheldon Williams

[Note from FourthChild: Apologies for the poor quality of the following photos of the prints. Because they are behind glass, reflection mars their images. If they are removed from the frames at a later date, they will be scanned and these images will be replaced.]


A Dun Going Over the Ground in Style

A Hack Going to a Mill

Simplicity in a Cab

Style and Docility

The Royal Patent

The Way to Do the Thing Genteelly

14 April, 2011

14 April, 1944

438th AAA AW BN
APO 578 % Postmaster, N.Y.
14 April, 1944        0900
Dearest sweetheart –

Little by little I’m getting a picture of what went on during the last few days of March and the first few days of April – and you know, darling, I don’t know but what I’m enjoying it as much as you did. I have the opportunity of reading an episode, thinking it over, liking it and going right back and reading it over again. That’s grati somni – as the Latins would say – but there’s nothing like trying to fool oneself.

Yesterday, darling, I got your letters of March 23, 27, 31, April 1 and 3 – and also a very nice letter from Florence B. who wished us luck etc. Well those letters helped clear up some of the details leading to our engagement, with a couple of days of the aftermath – so now, dear, I’m able to think of everything a little more clearly.

Apparently – getting a ring these days and just before the new tax went into effect – was quite an ordeal – and I’m glad that one way or another – one was gotten. I’m also glad to note that my dad didn’t waste time in putting it on your finger, darling. As to the type of stone – I guess I don’t know much about diamonds, dear. Is the emerald cut – rectangular and plain – as opposed to the round, multi-surfaced type of stone? That’s the only differentiation I can make in stones – but whatever type it is – sweetheart – is immaterial to me so long as you personally like it and it is worthy of being worn by you.

I got a kick out of your plans to have an announcement in the papers – particularly the Salem paper. Boy – some people will really read that announcement over twice and I’d give a lot to see the expressions of some peoples’ faces. You know – the Salem News is the only paper published in Salem; it is read by everybody in Salem (you’ll read it too, dear) – and every word of it is read, I guess. Well – maybe I’ll hear from some people. A little later perhaps – after I find out if anyone knows about it – maybe you can get over to Salem and spend a day or two with the Kerrs and Lil Zetlan. I’m pretty certain they’ll suggest something like that, anyway, but we’ll wait and see.

It was sweet of you to think of my folks’ Anniversary – which to the best of my memory is May 29 – although I may be a day out of the way. Incidentally, darling, from here in I hope you keep me posted on various dates of birthdays etc. – because I certainly want to remember them with you. The ones coming up now are Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. I know Mother’s day is May 9 and some time ago – before I really was entitled to call your mother – just that – I arranged for both our mothers to get some flowers on that day. I sent a check to Holbrook – or Holbrow – the Florist – in Dorchester. Do you know him – he’s on Harvard St. – a little bit off Franklin Field? I couldn’t for the life of me remember whether it was ‘brook’ or ‘brow’ – but I made the check out to cash and I’m pretty certain it will reach him. I requested him to send identical sets of flowers to our mothers on Mother’s Day. You might call or check up, dear. They should have received my note by now – and you might have something particular in flowers in mind. I made it very general. But don’t tell Mother B or Mother A, please, dear, because I’d like them to be surprised. I didn’t send the order to Penn’s because I think I got taken – although the service was good.

Darling – you mention “our mission” in one of your letters – and of course I can’t tell you just what it is. Everybody’s mission from here in is to help win the war as speedily as possible and wherever we fit into it – always know that I’m not afraid and I have an immeasurable amount of faith. The combination will surely carry me through safely, and you must never worry about that fact. There’s a lot of sick people in Salem that I have to take care of, too, remember. Anyway – always imagine – that wherever I am – is a safe place for me to be at that particular time – and you’ll rest easy. And keep in mind, too, darling, that mail will inevitably have to be delayed at times – for more than 4-5 days at a time, perhaps – and at those times – it will be you who will have to have faith.

Enough of that seriousness! Sweetheart – I’m still thrilled at everything that has happened to us and I’ll continue to feel that way always about you and me. I’m glad too that we can tell everyone about it – because I’m so proud of you.

My love to the folks and so long for now, dear.

All my deepest love, darling

13 April, 2011

13 April, 1944

438th AAA AW BN
APO 578 % Postmaster, N.Y.
13 April, 1944       0900
My darling fiancée –

At last I can call you that! Officially, sentimentally, actually – you are now my honest-to-goodness fiancée, and I can hardly believe it. Yesterday p.m. I got a letter from you written April 5, stamped April 6th and just think – I had it on the 12th! Well I’m missing some before that – and in reading along in your letter, dear, – I come across the sentence “tomorrow will be a week that we’re engaged or that I’m wearing your ring” – and I jumped up with the realization of what I was reading. Here I had been engaged for about 12 days and I didn’t know it. At that – Sweetheart – I ordinarily might have had to wait longer than that if it hadn’t been for the amazing speed of delivery of that letter. Well – I stopped reading, shut my eyes and tried to imagine you with a ring on your ring finger – left hand. I had often wondered what it was like – placing an engagement ring on a girl’s finger. I had seen it in the movies, read it in books – and when I hear from my dad – I’ll still be reading about it. Well – when I get back – I’ll take it off your finger, kiss you – and put it right back on. Incidentally, darling – I hope you like the ring and I hope it was something along the lines you wanted.


Wilma looks at her engagement ring

I’m thrilled, darling, that you are proud to wear it. I’m proud to have you wear it, believe me. I sat dreaming last night – a sort of recapitulation of the events leading up to our engagement – and all in all, I came to the conclusion – that it was perfectly normal – except for the actual ceremony. Had I been home, dear, things would have gone on just about the same. We started writing about it late in December and three months later – bingo! – we’re engaged! Considering the distance, the necessity for awaiting replies etc. – I think we did very well. So eight months after I met you, darling, you become my fiancée – and I never wanted anything more in my life than for that to happen. And to have it materialize with me away – is almost too good to be true. Again, sweetheart, I must give a lot of credit to your folks – who are now mine, also. I think they were extremely broadminded, cooperative and understanding to have given their consent – and I shall always remind them of it and try to show my appreciation. As for being their son – that is going to be so very easy, dear, I know. I liked your folks immediately and I know that when I get back – we’ll take up from where we left off and have some grand times together.

I got a sweet letter from Lawrence – yesterday – in which he first offered me his congratulations and then went on to tell me what a good choice I had made, pointing out your various attributes. It was a really nice letter. One also came from Stan – and somehow he certainly has changed towards me. He wrote about his work and his social life. The latter he says consists of “a nice string of appealing females to keep things from getting dull”. I feel sorry for Stan, dear, because I know he’d like to settle down and he just hasn’t met the right girl yet. I hope he does because I know it will make him be his old self again. He added he had seen you “last week” – and that you looked “exceptionally well.” Gosh darling, there you are looking exceptionally well for everyone to see and I have to close my eyes to get a real picture of you. But how I can possibly complain – with all the wonderful things that have happened to me – despite the handicap of being away, is beyond me. I’m actually so very thankful – and in my prayers – I have made that fact clear.

Darling – you now belong to me – really – and you must take good care of yourself for me. I’m doing and shall continue to do the same for you. If it’s at all possible to love you more than I do now – well I’m doing it darling. I’m very happy and contented and I’m merely taking a little thing like the war – in stride.

My best love to the folks and my many new cousins, uncles, aunts, grandmothers – etc. To you, sweetheart – my sincerest and deepest love for now and always.

Your loving husband-to-be –

12 April, 2011

12 April, 1944

438th AAA AW BN
APO 578 % Postmaster, N.Y.
12 April, 1944        0815
My dearest sweetheart –

I’m getting off to an early start today, although I may not be able to finish this until later in the day. I expect to be fairly busy this morning – for a change. Darling, I’ve been going batty hanging around here with nothing to do and if I can help it – I’ll not stay with a rear detail again. It’s not even restful – because the last few nights I have hardly slept at all. I was awake at 0330 this morning for no apparent reason – except that I guess I wasn’t tired. I dozed intermittently from there until 0730 when I arose. I’ve just had breakfast – and honestly, dear, I actually feel tired. I’ll get some exercise again today and maybe I’ll really get tired enough to sleep tonite. I am getting in shape again, though – and that’s a help – because when you’re in shape you’re that much better able to take care of yourself if there ever be a need for it. I’ve been running around the squash court like a man possessed of the devil, darling – and the stamina is fast returning and increasing. Were I able to hug you and kiss you now, Sweetheart – I have no doubt that would be one continuous kiss of say – a half-day at a time – without coming up for air. Boy! Wouldn’t that be something though – a nice long, thorough, really hard kiss!

Yesterday, dear, there was no mail again. I got a couple of N.E. Journals of Medicine and a letter from my fraternity – Tau Epsilon Phi. I hadn’t heard from them in some time. The same old pep talk and hard luck story. Fraternities are really taking it on the chin these days, though. The day was very long. I listened to the radio most of the day and evening – interspersed with some reading of the journals. I’ve sort of fallen behind on my medical reading, as has Charlie – and we’re trying to catch up. In the evening I heard Hit Parade – and maybe you can get an idea of how late the programs are. On this Hit Parade – No. 1 was “My Heart Tells Me”. “Duffy’s Tavern” was also on – and that’s really a good show. Herbert Marshall was guest star and there were quite a few laughs.

By the way, darling, I meant to ask you before – how is Les making out with his ASTP? I understood that some branches of it were still to be continued – or at least a certain quota. If he isn’t kept in it – what you write about the Infantry is probably true – because almost every other branch of the Army is pretty well filled. It just goes to show what the vagaries of war can be. I feel sorry for them, too – but they never seemed to realize that it was actually the Army that Les was in and that you can’t gamble on the Army. Well I hope all works out for them eventually as they want it to.

Sweetheart – I wonder how things are developing at home. I wonder it all day, all evening and when I awake in the middle of the nite. I’m not worried – or anything like that dear – because I know we’ve proved to those concerned that we love each other and that we’re willing to wait for each other. I’m just anxious to find out when you start wearing my ring and become officially my fiancée. You can understand, my feelings, can’t you, darling? Gosh I love you and miss you so – and all I can do is tell you by letter – But you must know how strong that feeling is. Even if I didn’t write it – the air waves should be oozing with it from me to you. Do you feel it – darling?

I’ll have to stop now, dear. My love to the folks and

All my love to you, sweetheart


about the Army Specialized Training Program

The ASTP Patch
Lamp of Knowledge
crossed with the Sword of Valor

Greg wondered how Wilma's friend, Les, was making out with the ASTP (Army Specialized Training Program), guessing that he may soon be in the infantry. It was an educated guess.

The Army Specialized Training Program was a military training program instituted by the United States Army during World War II at a number of American universities. Its primary purpose was to provide the continuous and accelerated flow of high grade technicians and specialists in the areas of engineering, foreign languages and medicine. ASTP was approved in September 1942 and implemented in December.

High school graduates were offered a chance to apply, though the majority of participants were already active duty soldiers. Entry requirements were high; minimum IQ was 115 (later 120), which was higher than Officers Candidate School. All new soldiers were required to complete 13 weeks of infantry basic training before being assigned to a college campus. Col. Henry Beukema, a Professor of History at West Point, was named Director of the program. He was responsible for sending 200,000 soldiers to 227 land-grant universities around the country at cost of $127,000,000.

The Army Specialized Training Program included intensive courses, approximately 25 class-time hours per quarter, in engineering, science, medicine, dentistry, personnel psychology, and 34 different foreign languages. Students were expected to complete the program in 18 months with a four-year degree and a commission. This included many volunteers from the civilian echelons who were at least 17 but less than 18 years of age. While in academic training the soldiers were on active duty, in uniform, under military discipline, and received regular army pay. Recruits marched to class in groups, ate in mess halls located in the barracks, and trained in the fields around a campus. The soldiers' week was made up of 59 hours of supervised activity, including at least 24 hours of classroom and lab work, 24 hours of required study, six hours of physical instruction, and five hours of military instruction.

By November 1943 the Army recognized that its replacement training centers were not producing nearly enough new soldiers for the Army Ground Forces, particularly in light of the impending invasion of France. General Lesley J. McNair felt ASTP took young men with leadership potential away from combat positions where they were most needed stating, "...with 300,000 men short, we are sending men to college." Manpower planners calculated that more infantrymen would be required in advance of the planned invasion of Europe. ASTP was not only one of the easiest programs to reduce or eliminate, it also provided a large pool of ready-trained soldiers. In February 1944, about 110,000 ASTP students were told they would be transferred to combat units. From a wartime high of 150,000 students, ASTP was immediately reduced to approximately 60,000 members. The remainder, having already completed basic training, were sent to the Army Ground Forces.

A large number of its trainees, almost overnight, became infantry privates. They could not be used immediately to meet the need for more intelligent non-commissioned officers because of their lack of military training and experience, and because most units, with their privates withdrawn as overseas replacements, had at least a full complement, and sometimes a surplus, of non-commissioned officers. It was desired and expected that ASTP trainees would soon show their superiority over the older non-commissioned officers, win ratings, and become leaders of small units. For its trainees, the ASTP was a series of dis-illusionments. Some, had they not been sent to college, would undoubtedly have gone to officer candidate schools, to the advantage both of themselves and of the Army Ground Forces.

In the spring of 1944 ASTP levels were further reduced at the direction of the Army Chief of Staff General George Marshall. Later, when the defeat of Germany was in sight, and the testing of the new atomic bomb successful, the apparent need for potential junior officer replacements disappeared and the final ASTP groups were largely disbanded. Major General Henry Twaddle wrote, "The underlying reason for institution of the ASTP program was to prevent some colleges and universities from going into bankruptcy. From a strictly mobilization viewpoint, the value of the program was nil." Indeed, a secondary benefit of ASTP was the financial subsidy of land grant colleges, whose male student bodies had been decimated by the diversion of about 14 million men into the various armed forces.

Although considered largely a failure, an unanticipated benefit to the Army of the ASTP was the softening of university resistance to lowering the draft age from twenty to eighteen. Another positive contribution was the number of men exposed to college who might not have attended otherwise. After the war ended, four out of five surviving ASTP alumni returned to college.

Known alumni and positions they have held include the following:

Robert Dole, U.S. Senator and Senate Majority Leader
Edward Koch, U.S. Congressman, New York City Mayor
Henry Kissinger, U.S. Secretary of State, Nobel Prize winner
Gore Vidal, author and politician
Andy Rooney, radio and television commentator
Arch Moore, Governor of West Virginia
Frank Church, U.S. Senator
Roger Mudd, TV newscaster
Mel Brooks, movie actor, director
George Koval, Russian spy in Manhattan Project World War II

Click here to read the US Army Center of Military History's "Birth and Death of the Army Specialized Training Program," written in 1995 by Louis Keefer and stored on JSTOR.