06 August, 2011

06 August, 1944

438thAAA AW BN
APO 403 % Postmaster, N.Y.
6 August, 1944       0915

Dearest sweetheart –

It’s Sunday morning – but heck, no funny parts. We see them once in a while when a fellow gets a Sunday paper mailed to him. I can’t say I really miss the funnies themselves. What I miss is the free and easy, relaxed feeling I used to feel on Sundays; didn’t care if I shaved or not, wore some old gray flannel trousers and a sweatshirt etc. I always liked Sundays and I expect to after the war also.

Oh by the way dear, speaking of funnies and papers made me think of the Stars and Stripes and Yank. The reason you’re not getting them regularly now is because there’s very few of them around. We get a small number for Headquarters Battery and they're passed around and around. I did manage to get the first issue of the Continental S and S and also the first one of the Yank. You probably have them by now.

Well I wrote you yesterday p.m. darling that I was going to sleep in a farm house. I did and it was quite comfortable and also unusual after sleeping on the ground and outdoors for a couple of months’ stretch. In addition it was a fairly quiet night and that was well appreciated also. I know the news of our advance here in France must be making you happy – just as it is us. We study maps from the first thing in the morning until it gets dark and we know every element and factor concerned in an advance or penetration. Being in Headquarters and eating and living with the Staff – which includes an S-2 and a liaison officer – I’m getting to be quite a tactician. Just where we are on the map, sweetheart, I can’t tell you, naturally, despite the fact that some of your friends hear more from their boy friends. I don’t know what they’re writing darling, but I’ll bet they aren’t giving away much military information. Also, dear, in respect to the types of cases – etc. I worked on at the hospital – that is strictly taboo. I can tell you this – on the whole, the work was gruesome and for the first few days I was shocked. Then everything seemed natural again. I was a doctor and supposed to see such things and I went about my work.

Here is a farmhouse and its vast view in La Chapelle-Cecelin.
Perhaps it is where Greg stayed...


I was re-reading one of your letters of a recent date, Sweetheart, and I got a real laugh out of the story about the Rabbi who forgot about the wedding. That must have been an awful situation to have been in. I don’t know what we’d have done, dear, but I’d have been damned impatient – I know that much! I don’t know L. Beckwith – although if he’s the Beckwith of the Riding habits etc. – I believe some of my family knows them.

G-dammit how in hell do all these guys still get away with these few months at Harvard and a few months at MIT set-up? It makes you wonder what the Army’s thinking of. Are they still planning for something long in the Pacific – or is the machinery for stopping these schools too cumbersome to cut out such stuff? What the Army needs now – is a lot of men in the infantry – and personally I think they’re wasting a good deal of time and money. Oh hell – I don’t really care, darling, but sometimes I wish I could be stationed near you for a couple of months – even weeks. (I’ll settle for 1 hour.) Boy! I’d love that. You’ve been telling me how you’ll show me how much you love me, sweetheart – well – you will if you’re still able to when I’m through showing you. I sure do miss you these days and nights, dearest. The moon the past few nights was particularly hard to take. Am I ever going to kiss and hug and love you once I get hold of you!

And so ends another letter and so lingers another thought. I was wondering one day why I hadn’t had a diary since coming to France – but I guess my letters will serve as such, because my every thought and emotion, darling, has been translated into my letters to you.

Hope to hear from you today, darling; I haven’t for a couple of days now. Send my best love to the folks and for yourself keep

All my everlasting love


about the S-2 and Liaison Officers

Greg mentioned becoming a tactician by being around an S-2 and liaison officer. Here is an explanation of how that could have helped him.

In the continental staff system (also known as the general staff system), which is based on one originally employed by the French Army in the 19th century, each staff position in a headquarters is assigned a letter-prefix corresponding to the formation's element and one or more numbers specifying a role.

The element prefixes are:

  • A, for Air Force headquarters;
  • C, for combined headquarters (multiple nations) headquarters;
  • F, for certain forward or deployable headquarters;
  • G, for Army or Marines headquarters, division level and up ("General" or "Ground")
  • J, for Joint (multiple services) headquarters;
  • N, for Navy headquarters; and
  • S, for staff roles within headquarters of organizations commanded by an executive officer with the rank of major or above, such as regiments, groups, and battalions.

  • The staff numbers are assigned according to function not hierarchy, traceable back to French practice; i.e., "1" is not "higher ranking" than "2". Here are the numbers:

  • 1, for personnel and administration
  • 2, for intelligence and security
  • 3, for operations
  • 4, for logistics
  • 5, for plans; and
  • 6, for signal (i.e., communications)

  • The intelligence section, #2 above, is responsible for collecting and analyzing intelligence information about the enemy to determine what the enemy is doing, or might do, to prevent the accomplishment of the unit's mission. This office may also control maps and geographical information systems and data. Thus, an S-2 of a battalion is the executive officer with a rank of major or above who is responsible for the intelligence and security operations of the battalion.

    The liaison officer is a special staff officer responsible for representing the commander at the headquarters of another unit, to effect coordination and promote cooperation between the two units. Liaison is established

  • from left to right,
  • from rear to forward units for units of the same level,
  • from higher to lower level of command,
  • from supporting to supported units,
  • from relieving to relieved units.

  • Liaison involves the contact or intercommunication maintained between elements of military forces to ensure mutual understanding and unity of purpose and action as well as the reduction of the "fog" of war through direct communications. Liaison is important during operations and normal daily activity to help preserve freedom of action and maintain flexibility between units. Liaison is meant to ensure that senior commanders remain aware of the tactical situation by providing them with exceptional, critical, or routine information, verification of information, and clarification of operational questions, thereby helping the commander synchronize and focus the combat power.

    Thus, a liaison officer is given both the role of pursuing mutual cooperation and understanding between commanders and staffs of different headquarters and the role of enabling coordination on tactical matters to achieve mutual purpose, support, and action. He does this through the exact and precise understanding and communication of implied or inferred coordination measures, with the goal of achieving synchronized results.

    05 August, 2011

    05 August, 1944

    438th AAA AW BN
    APO 403 % Postmaster, N.Y.
    5 August, 1944        1330

    Dearest, sweetest darling –

    I got your letter of 22 July yesterday – along with one from my Dad of the same date. I’m a little worried about the latter although I wouldn’t want the family to know it. Lawrence had written me some time ago about my mother going to the Pratt Diagnostic and I didn’t like the inference one bit – because it isn’t like my mother to be going to hospitals unless she wasn’t feeling very well. I hate to think about it but I’m just sitting tight and praying that she’s all right and only over-tired.

    My father happened to mention that he had seen some invasion money and it dawned upon me, dear, that I hadn’t sent any for you to see – therefore the enclosure. There’s all kinds of money floating around here – that printed by the U.S. – the German and the French. I didn’t have any of the latter to send along at present. It’s scarce and apparently being hoarded by the French. The money comes in different sizes, colors and shapes and it’s really difficult to keep in the wallet. The pound note I happened to keep when I left England and I thought I might as well send that along too. Remember, dear, the franc is worth 2 cents – as set up by the U.S.

    I was amused at your story of a pseudo date and quite pleased, darling, at the family’s loyalty – particularly Mary’s. Give her my thanks. No – you didn’t tell me about J. Bern’s brother. It certainly is a sad story about the fellow in the Army. I’m sorry to read about Jews who for one reason or another change their religion.

    Sweetheart – you can’t possibly miss me any more that I do you – believe me! Your reminiscing about the early days when we first met certainly made my mouth water. Gosh we did have a lot of fun – Stan included. I kind of thought in those days that you liked Stan a great deal. I was sorry, too, because I felt you were being charmed by his manner etc. I’m glad for my sake (and yours) that you changed – and, sweetheart – I often ask myself how you came to love me. Anyway – I’m damned lucky you did.

    Incidentally – it’s a month now since I last heard from Stan and apparently he just doesn’t intend to write any more. I never did hear from him whether he got that Zippo – and all in all – the more time passes – the smaller a man he appears to be. Is he still in Washington – or haven’t you heard, dear?

    Oh I got a letter from Charlie Wright the other day. I had answered his letter but didn’t know whether it reached him. It had. He is now working in a General Hosp. in Atlantic City – doing anesthesia. He is still in the Army but trying his darndest to get out. His wife is in Phila. and they keep an apartment there. Polly knows all about the affair – but they plan to go on as before. He has been remarkably frank about it all. He certainly seemed to miss the outfit and the experience of coming to France. I’ll write him in a couple of days.

    About news from here, dearest, these isn’t much to write. We’re moving at a good clip for the time being, at least. I’m out of contact with the hospital where I was working. The distance between us is too great to travel every day. If the rapid pace continues – I won’t try to contact another hospital because there’s no point in working at one for 1-2 days and then having to leave. But in a choice – I’d rather not do hospital work and move along swiftly – than to sit at one site and get a chance to operate. The latter implies a slow advance. The former means we’re getting nearer to Paris and the sooner we get there – the sooner the war will end. That’s what I want.

    The Colonel, a couple of other officers and myself are sleeping in a large stone farmhouse tonite. It’s a new spot and seems safe enough. Besides it’s dry and surprisingly clean. We’ll use our own bedding rolls and mattresses – of course. There are a lot of chicken and turkeys about and I wouldn’t be surprised – well – I wouldn’t be surprised –

    Darling – that’s all for now. I’m hopeful too – like everyone else – and soon I’m sure – our love will have a chance to express itself! Love to the family and for now

    My deepest love

    Route of the Question Mark


    (A) Hambye to (B) La Chapelle-Cecelin (13 miles)
    1 August to 5 August 1944
    (Exact route unknown)

    From Page 25-26 from The Route of the Question Mark:

    August 5... La Chapelle-Cecillin. The old sow had a litter of 14 pigs; S/Sgt BOGARDUS got a German truck for us, pushing the dead Jerry out of the cab to get it; Sgt BADEN started the pool to pick V-E day; The Ammunition Section under Sgt ROSE set up what they called a Hobo Jungle; We collected chickens from the flocks that wandered around the farm; T/5 CHEETY waiting in his fox-hole for a chicken to wander by and the quick way that it disappeared into his tent; And apple throwing became a new popular sport.

    [Note from FourthChild: S/Sgt Roger Bogardus, was born on June 2, 1915 and passed away on Monday, May 31, 2010. Roger was a resident of Wells River, Vermont.]

    * TIDBIT *

    about the Debut of Patton's Third Army
    and Continued Movement of Hodge's First

    Patton's Third Army's battle record began on 1 August 1944 at 1200 hours, when it officially became operational as a combat army. After Lieutenant General Courtney H. Hodges' First Army punched a hole in the German defenses at St-Lô, the Third Army began roaring through the hole with their Sherman tanks. They began an attacking advance that moved in every direction on the compass all at the same time. They captured Vannes and moved east toward Le Mans, southand southwest through Laval, west toward Brest, and north toward St. Malo before the enemy knew what was happening. Two tank columns of the 6th Armored Division, commanded by Major General R.W. Grow, forced the Germans to withdraw into the fortified ports of St. Malo, Lorient, St. Nazaire, and Brest.

    Meanwhile, Hodge's First Army, meeting stiffer resistance, continued to advance beyond Mortain. The 4th Division struck determined resistance in the hills just north and northwest of St. Pois on 2 August. The 3d Armored Division's Combat Command B, (CCB) attached to the 4th Division and spearheading the attack, was not far from St. Pois, but the armor awaited arrival of the infantry before resuming the attack. The rest of the division moved south from Villedieu in what appeared to resemble a gigantic traffic jam on 2 August, but what was in actuality a rapid movement. General Barton had decided that "the quickest way to get them there [was to] put them all on the road at once." From the forward positions just north of St. Pois, Barton had to advance about six miles and seize three objectives, each two miles apart. The 116th Panzer Division had been hastily withdrawn from the line near Tessy on 1 August to counter the American thrust toward Brécey, and this force had been committed in time to halt CCB and the 4th Division.


    Impatient to attain the three objectives so that the 4th Division might go into reserve for rest as promised, General Barton applied a lesson learned at Villedieu. On 3 August he sent a task force of infantry and armor to bypass St. Pois on the west. Moving about five miles without firing a shot, the task force crossed the Sée River at Cuves, four miles west of Chérencé-le-Roussel. On the following day CCB and attached infantry fought eastward from Cuves along the south bank of the Sée River, then crossed the river again at Chérencé-le-Roussel and established a bridgehead on the north bank of the Sée. While the task force was thus outflanking and enveloping the enemy, three regiments of the 4th Division attacked abreast from the northwest toward St. Pois.The going was difficult against the guns of the 116th Panzer Division, and by evening the objectives were still not secured.

    When the attack was halted and orders given to dig in for the night, the rifle company officers of a battalion of the 8th Infantry requested and secured permission to continue as a measure of respect for their commander, Lt. Col. Erasmus H. Strickland, who had been wounded that day. At dawn, 5 August, the regiment was ready to repel the strong but obviously final German counterattack. Although St. Pois technically remained in German hands that morning, the town was virtually encircled. The Germans began to withdraw to the southeast. From the hills around St. Pois, men of the 4th Division hastened the enemy's departure by bringing down artillery fire and calling in fighter-bombers to attack the columns. The cannon company of the 8th Infantry fired 3,200 shells and burned out three howitzer tubes, the 4.2-inch mortar company depleted all its ammunition stocks, and the 81-mm. mortars expended 3,000 rounds. The division mission completed by the end of 5 August, General Barton released CCB to control of the 3d Armored Division, assembled the 4th Division at St. Pois in the VII Corps reserve, and looked forward to giving his troops four or five days of rest, replete with hot showers, hot food, USO shows and Red Cross doughnut girls.

    04 August, 2011

    04 August, 1944

    438th AAA AW BN
    APO 403 % Postmaster, N.Y.
    4 August, 1944            1345

    My darling –

    I’m writing you a little later than usual for me and thereby hangs a tale. You see, dear – it rained like all fury yesterday p.m. – something like a cloudburst. My driver and I had been out to see one of the batteries and had stopped in to take a shower at a shower point which we stumbled on by pure chance. Shower points are run by Q.M. (quartermaster) outfits, usually colored. They set up near some creek, set up large tents, canvas floors and usually have about 24spouts each tent set up. The water is pumped up from the creek, heated, purified – all by one machine. It’s a good set-up.

    Well we waited for the shower (rain) to end and then headed back to our apple-orchard bivouac. It was a mess! Fellows were literally flooded out of their foxholes. I took a quick look inside my tent and all looked dry and I sighed with relief. You see, dear, we usually dig our foxhole the size of our sleeping bag and air mattress and then pitch our tents over it so that is looks something like this in cross section.

    After supper I decided to take another look. Everything seemed dry – but for some strange reason – the hole didn’t seem so deep so I pressed down and sure enough my sleeping bag, mattress and all were floating! My tent set-up now looked like this:

    I should have felt aggravated but instead I roared. You see – darling – had I not taken another look – I would have jumped into it at 2230 or so – and then my oh my – would I have been surprised! As it was – I wasn’t as bad off as some other fellows – whose holes caved in – burying their blankets and all in mud. Well – it was some night! I ended up sleeping in our truck. Other fellows sat up all night. All of us prayed for a clear sunny day and we got it. Right now, darling, there are lines strung all over the place and things drying out rapidly – albeit – caked heavily with dried mud. Since everything was wet anyway, I washed some dirty clothes and now I’m all caught up. The ground is still wet today so I think I’ll use the truck again tonite. That’s a rather lengthy explanation for my writing later than usual – but I thought you’d like to know, dear.

    Other than the above, sweetheart, things are moving along rather well and everyone is imbued with a spirit of victory. I hope we’re not let-down, i.e. I know we’ll win, but I hope it won’t take too long. I have a piece of unfinished business to take care of at home – would you know anything about that?

    I guess your mother will lose her bet – on August 15th – but I hope by not too long. As for my fear about the Russians getting to Berlin first – I’m not worried about that any longer, darling, so long as someone gets there soon. I do want to get home so badly, dear – to get to know you in person the way I do by letter. It’ll be so nice in person, too, I know –

    It was strange – your mentioning the “White Cliffs of Dover”. I had been reading about it recently in a magazine and remembered very vividly the afternoon at Irv and Verna’s when we heard the recording. It must make a good picture. We saw “Old Acquaintance” – with B. Davis – a couple of nights ago. I believe you wrote me a long time ago that you had seen it. It wasn’t bad at all and quite diverting.

    I laughed at your mention of dieting – in preparation for an “early 1945 wedding”. Why should you have to diet, dear? The early wedding suits me fine! I was thinking about a wedding last nite as I lay in the truck – I don’t know why just there – but it’s so pleasant to think about before falling asleep. I was thinking about all the things I would have to do – like getting some clothes, buying a car, and most important of all – getting set up in Salem with you. Darling I still haven’t got that part of it settled in my mind. We have to have a place to live and we have to move into an office. Apparently I can still get my old office back – but I can’t figure out our end of it. Anyway – I usually fall asleep at that impasse. I’ll have to have you with me to figure it out, I guess.

    I’ve got to go look after my clothes, dear. The wind is fairly brisk and I don’t want my stuff to fall to the ground. I don’t ever want to see any clothes being washed – ever – darling – so you’d better be lining up the best laundry in Salem.

    All for now, Sweetheart. My love to the folks and

    All my everlasting love to you

    * TIDBIT *

    about Showering

    American soldiers take a shower
    by a stream in Normandy

    Until the very end of the war responsibility for field bathing equipment was divided between the Quartermaster Corps (QMC) and the Corps of Engineers. The pioneer work in the development of shower facilities for soldiers in the field was carried out by the Corps of Engineers. For a new bathing unit the Military Planning Division turned to a mobile eight-head shower unit developed by the Corps of Engineers and favorably tested in 1941. It had been rejected for standardization by the Assistant Chief of Engineers because he felt that rubber tires and manufacturing facilities should not be wasted in "providing luxuries and excessive convenience as implied by trailer mounting." Procurement had been limited to 60 sets which were turned over to the QMC and subsequently standardized. The QMC later revised the design to provide for units with 12 instead of 8 shower heads. Subsequently a 24-head shower unit replaced the 12-head unit.

    After operations were started on the Continent, local bathing facilities in towns were surveyed and inspected by Medical Department officers. In some areas the QMC operated shower points; in others, existing public baths and showers were used. Shower facilities were tremendously effective morale builders. They were extremely popular, particularly when set up in connection with a clothing exchange unit which enabled the soldier to don an entirely clean outfit after bathing.

    Shower facilities were variable depending on the unit's location, but that a shortage existed in combat units is indicated by numerous requests made by various headquarters and units for additional shower equipment. It was recommended that bath facilities be provided organically with all types of divisions. The 9th Infantry Division reported, for example, that corps shower units with clothes turn-in privileges provided excellent service, but that the disposition of infantry troops prevented removal of more than 2 to 3 percent of any unit from the front at one time. This allowed only 1 bath per man in a 3- to 4-week period.The 2d Armored Division reported that during combat a bathing unit was always available to troops. Troops were rotated to get showers frequently. The 35th Infantry Division, on the other hand, reported that during the summer months bathing facilities consisted chiefly of local streams.

    A combat engineer battalion usually carried enough equipment to set up four water points; two forward of the advancing infantry; artillery or armored units and one or two behind. As troops advanced, the behind water points would leapfrog ahead establishing the next forward points. When troops advanced quickly, there was no going back to water points in the rear. Quartermasters worked with the engineers by bringing in the cement, pipes, tanks and pumps they needed to construct the water systems.

    The first step in activating a water point was to locate a stream, well, pond or spring. In some cases, the source was enhanced by explosives creating a crater resulting in a water source called a sump from which the water would be pumped. The next step was to test for potability, turbidity and poisons. An engineer water specialist carried test tubes for this evaluation.

    For most of the European campaign of WWII, a mobile water treatment unit that combined coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, diatomaceous earth filtrations and hypochlorite disinfection was used. It provided safe drinking water for both the troops and the civilians of liberated cities as the Allies moved across Europe into Germany. Potable water usage by troops in combat was estimated by the military (on a per day basis in gallons) as follows:

    drinking: 5
    hygiene: 2.7
    centralized showers: 1.3
    food preparation: 3
    vehicles: 3
    heat treatment (ice): 1
    hospitals: 65 gallons per bed per day
    laundry (6 pounds per man per week): 2
    construction: 1.5
    Total use = 20 gallons of water per day per man.

    03 August, 2011

    03 August, 1944

    438th AAA AW BN
    APO 403 % Postmaster, N.Y.
    3 August, 1944        0910
    Good morning, darling –

    Well two days in a row now an air-mail letter – is unusual for me – I know – but at the moment I have the opportunity and I’m making use of it. I know you’d rather have these than the V-mail, dear – but the latter are really convenient.

    Before I forget it I want to mention something you referred to in one of your letters, dear – namely my reaction to Stan and the other fellows like him. The one thing it has been difficult to hold on to since we’ve been in France is our perspective – or at least – mine. And it becomes very easy to generalize upon the mood of the moment. What I’m trying to say, sweetheart, is that after I write anything like I did about Stan or anyone else, I feel sorry. It’s the result usually of feeling mentally low and lonely and resenting anything that someone else has and you haven’t. Fortunately it’s transitory and I get over it. I know I’ve written like that before that letter and since then – but please interpret that as a temporary thing, dear. The greatest part of the time my spirits are actually very good and if anything – I feel sorry for anyone who can’t be a witness to all that is going on around us.

    We are getting into a very pretty part of France and yesterday I passed thru some lovely hills and valleys and thought how wonderful it would be if you were here to enjoy these sights with me. Maybe we can come back some day, darling. The scenery was very much like that of New England except that there are no stone walls separating the farms – but still those infernal hedges.

    One of the things I’ll always remember about France is the way the French people – women and children – run thru the streets of a newly liberated town – throwing flowers into the passing trucks and jeeps. Some of these towns are absolutely leveled, – dirty, dusty and still smoking. Where the civilians come from and where they get their fresh flowers is beyond me – but there they are – smiling, raising their hands – with their fingers making a V, tossing flowers all over the place and shouting “Vive les Americains, vives les Yanks, les Bosches kaput!” It’s just like I used to see in the movies of the last war – but this time it’s real. How they – the French – can feel so friendly after we shell the stuffings out of their towns and homes – I can’t understand. I guess they just hate the Germans so much.

    You mentioned a Dr. Dalrymple of Tufts. I remember he was on the staff – but we never had him. I don’t know what subject he taught. Mrs. Dalrymple seems nice and I know all the women you’re associating with must be nice to work with. I hope for your effort, darling, you get a paid job – but if not – keep up the work anyway. You’re with a pretty good outfit and I guess they can use all the help they can get. Are you in uniform yet, dear? If so – I hope you get a picture taken – and send one along – huh?

    I was pleased to read about Mother B. and I hope she stays well. Remember what I told you, dear – 99% of the time – the burden of proof rests on you. You may get on your mother’s nerves – but you shouldn’t allow the opposite to occur at all.

    I read with interest your single sentence item about Nancy and Abbot returning from Clifton because they hated it. I wonder why. I never liked that place or places like it, dear. For some reason or other I can’t stand too much superficiality and places like the Clifton reek with it and all the fake impressions which superficiality breeds. I like to think about you and me on vacation somewhere – wondering where we’ll go. It really won’t make much difference to me darling as long as we’re together as man and wife. I think of that so often that by now it’s an accepted fact in my thoughts – and it sure is wonderful. We’ll have lots of places to go, I know, – your friends and mine. In the early years – I guess we’ll tour New England and later – maybe we’ll branch out – although New England is still as nice vacation country as anywhere in the country. But one thing I insist on – we will not go on any camping trips!! I’m having enough of that now, dear.

    Sweetheart – I do love to dream and think about us together and what we’ll do and where we’ll go. The hours I spend thinking about those things are the most pleasant of the war for me – and when I return – actually living with you will make all those dreams and plans come true. I’ll have to stop now, darling. Send my best regards to all the family – and how’s Grammy – by the way?

    My deepest and sincerest love, dear


    "Near Villedieu
    July, 1944
    Captured German Volkswagen
    Stars just put on. Two of the aidmen."

    Somewhere in France
    7 Bomb craters - probably 500 lbs - dropped by Luftwaffe in attempt
    to get small bridge on our supply route. String of vehicles can be seen. We were in this convoy - but bombing attack was night before.
    August 1944

    02 August, 2011

    02 August, 1944

    438th AAA AW BN
    APO 403 % Postmaster, N.Y.
    2 August, 1944           0915

    My dearest one –

    They say you don’t really get to know a person until you live with him or her. That may be so, dear, but in lieu of that I’ve gotten to know quite a bit about you from your letters – for which I’m thankful. I hope you feel the same way in that respect. One of the things I liked most about you when I first met you, darling, was your directness and I still like that about you.

    I received three letters from you last night postmarked the 13th, 20th and 21st of July. I liked them all but found the one of the 20th particularly interesting. In the first place – your analysis of why you were happy that I was working at a hospital was quite keen and pretty nearly correct – except for one point – the 4th reason why you were happy. That dealt with conditions in my battalion and you were a little off there, dear. The fact is that although things may happen in my battalion – we’re too spread out for me to get to them and as far as I’m concerned – they don’t need an M.D. in an A.A. battalion.

    The other thing I liked about your letter was directness in calling to my attention the fact that I tell you at the end of my letters that I love you “as an afterthought”. Darling – it took courage to write that, because after all – you had no idea how angry I might get on reading that. But of course – I didn’t get so. The first reaction was admiration for your just coming out and writing what you felt. I like that and shall continue to. Then – I pondered over what you wrote and wondered how true it was. One thing you don’t apparently get from my letters, sweetheart, is the fact that I love you not only in the end of them – but all through them – whether I mention “I love you” or not. As I’m sure I’ve written you before – one way or another – every thought or plan I have – is in terms of you and you alone, dear, and that surely is love. I don’t write anything because I think you want me to. That certainly would be sad at this stage of the game, wouldn’t it?

    Another thing you must keep clear, darling, is that sometimes I dash a letter off to you in such a hurry – I don’t even know what I’ve written. Believe me, dear, that is often the case – and I can’t help that. I do try my darnedest to write you though and you must realize, I’m sure, that I must be thinking of you all the time. You can’t possible imagine how difficult it is to write – sometimes – and I’m glad if you can’t.

    The crux of the matter is this, dear – I am definitely not “cold” – affectionately, at least not as far as you’re concerned. I love you more than anyone I ever have, and I try to tell you that in as many ways as possible. I’ve used V-mail a great deal lately – out of necessity mostly – and I try to tell you as much as possible what’s going on. I reach the bottom of the page and realize that I’ve been concerned in giving you the news and have forgotten what is far more important – namely – that I’m writing to someone I love and I haven’t even mentioned it. When I get back, darling, I’ll tell you about the times I wrote to you, where I am sometimes – when I write – and under what conditions. You’ll know then – what I mean. But for the meantime – dear – keep in mind one thing – regardless of how my letters may sound at times: I want to marry you because I love you, and my whole future is planned around you as a nucleus. I could feel no other way and still want you as a fiancée.

    I hope I’ve made myself clear, darling. If not – or if something else comes to your mind that bothers you – I know you’ll be direct enough to tell me. I am the same way – but I can’t complain of a thing about you. I love your letters, your way of telling me things and your directness.

    I’ll have to stop now, Sweetheart, and go out and visit some of the gun sections. We got paid last night – the first time in two months. I now get $100. a month as my share – the other hundred going to my bank – thru my father. I arranged for $150 of my $200 to go to my bank and I still have too much money. We can’t spend it here. The gov’t still owes me $350. back pay which I ought to get some day.

    I hope all is well at home, sweetheart, and that you’re not getting too tired with your RC work. My love to the folks – and to you, dear –

    My everlasting love

    * TIDBIT *

    about Villedieu-les-Poêles

    Villedieu is traditionally a center of metal-work, especially the making of brass and copper pans and basins from which the poêles (frying pan) in its name derives. It is also famous for its skilled hand-manufacture of large church bells, which was started by immigrants from Lorraine around 1780. Its inhabitants are called Sourdins from the French sourd meaning "deaf" because most of the people involved in the manufacturing of copper pans, which involved repeated hammering, became deaf. Villedieu is on "The Lace Road" or "Route de la Dentelle Normande". This route includes Alencon, Bayeux, Caen, Argentan and Courseulles-la-Perriere. Villedieu is famous for bobbin lace.

    In 1944, when the Germans withdrew from Villedieu, they left a sniper who shot some of the first US soldiers to enter Villedieu, before being "neutralized". The US commander was about to request airplane bombing runs when the mayor approached him, told him that there were no Germans left in Villedieu and offered to ride through Villedieu in the front seat of a U.S. jeep. Villedieu was thus one of the few towns in the region to escape major destruction.

    Greg passed through Villedieu, which is between Dangy and the next stop mentioned in Route of the Question Mark. The picture labeled "Near Villedieu" is dated July 1944.


    Villedieu-les-Poêles - Public Garden Post Card

    Villedieu-les-Poêles - Rue du Pavé

    Villedieu-les-Poêles - Rue du Pavé Today

    Villedieu-les-Poêles - Lace and General View

    Greg in an Apple Orchard
    Near Villedieu-les-Poêles
    (as noted below)

    01 August, 2011

    01 August, 1944


    438th AAA AW BN
    APO 403 % Postmaster, N.Y.
    1 August, 1944
    Wilma, darling –

    It’s 1600 hour right now – but this has been the first opportunity I’ve had today to write. We’ve been on the hop the past few days – sort of keeping up with the smooth progress of our army. I haven’t been able to go to the hospital for 3 days now and they are a good distance behind us. I don’t know when they’ll move or in what direction – but I’ll keep on the look-out for them. If they don’t show up – I’ll try another hospital. Of course, if we keep moving this rapidly I’ll not be able to make contact and do any work – but that’s O.K. with me – because the more we move – the quicker I’ll get home and that’s what I want more than anything else – darling.

    Here it is August – and half the summer gone. I hope there’s enough time left to clean up the Germans before Fall and Winter. It seems from here as if they ought to crack-up soon – but they’ll have to be whipped a bit more yet. All sorts of bets float around here on the end of the war – from 100 hours to 100 days. I think a good bet is about six weeks – but then that’s my opinion only.

    Sweetheart – that’s all for now except to remind you I love you and all these thoughts about war’s end are only in terms of you. Love to the folks.
    All my love

    Route of the Question Mark


    (A) Dangy to (B) Hambye (8 miles)
    30 July to 1 August 1944

    From Page 25 from The Route of the Question Mark:

    August 1... Hambye. We had a cloud-burst that turned our orchard into a swamp and flooded all our fox-holes and Capt SILVUS took pictures on his movie camera of the damage after the storm. We helped the farmers in the next field with their haying and were rewarded with pitchers of cider.

    * TIDBIT *

    about General Barton's Intent

    From July 25 to August 1, the VII Corps pushed 40 to 50 kilometers south of an area that had previously restrained American forces to hard fought gains of minimal value. Although the cost of success was high (17,267 casualties), the gains were considered to be phenomenal.

    On the 4th Division right, the Combat Commands A and B of the 3d Armored Division in the meantime had driven toward Gavray and Hambye to cross the Sienne River abreast. Of the two, CCB (Combat Command B) had less difficulty, despite poor country roads and wrecked German vehicles that had to be pushed off the roads before the columns could pass. Reaching Hambye in early afternoon of 30 July, CCB found a damaged bridge and met small arms fire from the south bank, but a small reconnaissance party supported by fire from the advance guard was sufficient to drive the Germans back. Engineers repaired the bridge by late afternoon, and the combat command continued the march south toward Villedieu-les-Poeles. Like the infantry, the armor ran into increasing resistance when nearing Villedieu. Since portions of the combat command still had to cross the Sienne before a full-scale attack could be mounted against the objective west of the town. Colonel Boudinot halted CCB and established perimeter defenses for the night.

    Not until the evening of 31 July, after the arrival of the 8th Infantry, was the 4th Division altogether ready to drive south. Calling his principal subordinates together. General Barton made it clear he had in mind rapid, sweeping advances. "We face a defeated enemy," he told his commanders, "an enemy terribly low in morale, terribly confused. I want you in the next advance to throw caution to the winds . . . destroying, capturing, or bypassing the enemy, and pressing"— he paused to find the correct word— "pressing recklessly on to the objective."

    The units of the 4th Division and the attached armor took General Barton at his word when they renewed the attack on 1 August.

    31 July, 2011

    31 July, 1944

    438th AAA AW BN
    APO 403 % Postmaster, N.Y.
    31 July, 1944
    My dearest darling –

    I got three most welcome letters yesterday evening from you, postmarked 15, 16, and 17 July. It was a wonderful tonic. I also heard from my father and I got a combination letter from Barbie and Steve – so you see, sweetheart – I went to bed relaxed. Your letters, dear, sure do a lot for me. I sit and wonder about it after I’m through reading them. It’s a strange reaction – but satisfying, and to know that you continue to love me is the most important part of it.

    I wonder occasionally if all the nice things you say about me are true and if I might not disappoint you, perhaps. It isn’t a complex by any means, darling. I just want to live up to everything you think I am – or can be. All in all – I’m a pretty happy guy and I think my present set-up is excellent. I am not referring to France, darling – but to you and home. I do have something to come back to – you; we’re engaged, there’ll be no reason for us to wait long before getting married. Secondly – I don’t have to look for a job; I have my profession and a city to practice it in – which is a mighty important factor, too. Besides – I’m still on the staff of a Class A hospital – and all in all – you can see why I have a right to be happy, sweetheart. Sure – there’s a war on, but I’ve written you before – I try to consider it as an interlude, perhaps part of the price I have to pay for being happy and fortunate.

    I admit, though, it’s difficult at times to consider France as a passing interlude. The less you know about it – the better. When I’m back home – and safe, I’ll tell you a few things, darling, but not until then. I think it will be interesting re-reading some of my letters after the war – just to study my reactions or as much of them as I dared to reveal. Some reactions I’ll never forget anyway, I guess. I have been unable to save your letters since we arrived in France, dear, and I hope you’ll excuse me. I do have all of those prior to that. They’re in my foot-locker – which is now in Liverpool, I believe. We weren’t allowed to bring those with us – space being at a premium in the early waves of the assault. We were all given duffel bags and allowed to take our val-a-pac – and that’s all. As a result – my overcoat, summer suit etc. are all rolled up in my duffel bag. I wonder what they’ll look like when I take them out. Space is still at a premium. I save your letters in my portfolio until it begins to bulge; then I re-read them – a final reading – and I burn them. But the memory of what was contained in them – does not fade, sweetheart.

    It was kind of you to try to explain Ruth’s reaction in not writing. I have never held it against her, of course, and understand fully. I’ve told you we were never an expressive family – but I know there exists between all of us something deeper than can be expressed in writing. I know how Ruth feels and that’s all that matters to me. Be sure and explain that to her, dear, and tell her that’s enough for me. I often imagine that you may think that my family isn’t demonstrative enough to you – but I know they love you, darling, and you must surely be aware of it.

    I don’t blame Stanley Burns for not being anxious to return to duty. You can take it while you’re in it – but I know how I’d feel if I were home for awhile and then had to return. I’d rather stick it out in one stretch, I think. Yes, I’ll wait for home – with good food, good rest and best of all – your love.

    And finally – sweetheart – I won’t disappoint you. You did leave yourself open for a crack at your age and far be it from me to let you down. My oh my – are you ever young! Yes – you did fool me when I first went out with you – by about 1 or 2 years – that’s all. I’d love to see you with your hair up, darling, but don’t keep it up too long a time. It must make you look too eligible to a lot of guys. When it’s down – I’m sure the boys must pass you up as being too young. Oh well – suit yourself – but do be careful, dear!

    We tried to see and hear a movie last nite – this time a Class B – smellaroo – called “Beautiful but Broke”. Too often – of late – though – we end up just watching the motions. It gets so noisy overhead – that you can’t hear the sound – and it makes things seem rather pointless.

    That’s about all for this sitting – We’re in another new spot – and our C.P. (Command post) is at an abandoned farmhouse. We still sleep in foxholes – of course – but we’ve been using the kitchen – for our officers’ mess and eating off Limoges china plates; and there’s plenty of fresh vegetables in the garden, and lots of chickens – too; and oh yes – it’s funny how another cow happened to die yesterday. We had broiled liver for supper last nite. Be sure to tell Mother A – dear, she’ll be pleased.

    U.S. troops just back from the fighting front
    relax at a French farmhouse on 31 July 1944
    This photo belongs to PhotosNormandie's Flickr Photostream

    So long for now, sweetheart. I DO love you and my ‘do’ can be as large as yours. It is! Love to the folks
    And my everlasting love, dear

    * TIDBIT *

    about Congratulations from Henry L. Stimson
    Following Operation Cobra


    The Normandy Breakout is Accomplished
    Dashed Red Line Represents German Position on 25 July
    Dotted Red Line Represents German Position on 27 July
    Solid Red Line Represents German Position on 31 July

    Greg received this message as Commander of the Medical Detachment for the 438th AAA AW (Mobile):

    R E S T R I C T E D
    APO 230

    31 July 1944

    SUBJECT:  Congratulatory Message

    TO:       Corps, Division and Separate Unit Commanders.

        The following message, received from The Secretary of War, is published for the information of all officers and enlisted men of this First U.S. Army:

    "WAR DEPT.
                                SECRETARY OF WAR."