02 September, 2011

02 September 1944

438th AAA AW BN
APO 230 % Postmaster, N.Y.
2 September, 1944      0640

My dearest sweetheart –

It has been a busy day and I thought I wouldn’t get a chance to write you, but I do hate to miss a day and just don’t feel right if I do. It’s impossible to tell you how much jumping around I’m doing. You’ll just have to take my word for it, darling. If my thought seems jumbled, it’s because I’m a little bit tired today. We got going at 0300 this morning and I haven’t stopped until just now. I was supposed to have gone to visit one of the batteries for another 3 day spell – but I was needed at battalion and I’ll go tomorrow instead – I expect.

In all the commotion, etc. – we were lucky enough to get some mail last nite – dated August 21st; there must be a whole week’s mail coming to us – because the last previous letter, sweetheart – was dated August 14th. I also heard from Eleanor, Dad A, two friends of mine in Italy and Charlie Wright. The latter, by the way, misses this outfit one helluvalot. He’s been returned to full duty and is now at Fort Dix. The two fellows in Italy have been overseas ever since the African landing and they’re mighty fed up with things – for which I don’t blame them one bit. I’m fed up and am a comparative rookie against them. It sure does get me mad to think of those fellows who still have soft jobs in the States – I mean in the Army or Navy. I’m not angry at them, really, dear – just at the idea. I do miss you so, sweetheart, and I know you miss me too – and it just hurts to realize that we have to be apart so long. We can’t do a damned thing about it – I know – but it is so aggravating and depressing at times. I pray only you don’t get too tired and discouraged in waiting. Please don’t, darling. I promise you we’ll make up for lost time; I love you strongly and deeply enough to be able to make that promise good – I know dear.

I can’t tell you much about what’s going on that you’re not reading in the papers. We’ve been in the Champagne country and before the Germans were here – it must have flowed like water. For example – one of my boys had a birthday yesterday and I went out to get champagne for him. I had to pay 75 francs ($1.50) for a full bottle – 25 years old and get this, dear – if I returned the bottle – I got 30 francs back. I got 6 bottles. The stuff is wonderful. They dig it up from the cellars – cobwebby etc and then put on the labels. I’m enclosing one I got from the dealer.

How I can talk about champagne and things like that I don’t know. But if I told you how much I really missed you and wanted you, sweetheart – it would only make you sad. Believe me when I say you mean everything in the world to me, dear, and until I’m near you again – I’ll not be fundamentally happy.

I’ll have to stop now, darling. Love to the folks and

My everlasting love
P.S. I didn’t get a chance to return the bottles. We moved.

Route of the Question Mark


(A) Charly-sur-Marne to (B) Clermont-ler-Fermes (73 miles)
31 August to 2 September 1944

September 2... Clermont les Fermes. The Polish farmers lived here and there was a celebration in the village to honor the Americans, and the Mayor made a speech. This was the first time any of the Polish speaking members of the battery were able to speak to civilians, for all these people spoke Polish, not French. Here for the first time we heard buzz bombs going over our heads on the way to England.


about The Movement of VII Corps into Belgium

VII Corps troops crossed the international boundary into Belgium on September 2nd in an attack that carried as far as 25 miles (40 kms) in some sectors of the Corps zone. Armored elements reached Mons, meeting only scattered rear guard action. Where was the German Seventh Army? The events of the next three days answered that question with a reply that nearly wrecked the plans of the German High Command.

The 2nd Armored Division "Hell on Wheels" web site includes this excerpt from Don Marsh's Pursuit to Belgium and Holland:

On 2 September 1944, at 0930 hours,the 82nd Reconnaissance Battalion of the 2nd Armored Division crossed the French-Belgian border astride the Orchies-Tournai Road near Rumes in force, becoming the first of the Allied Ground Forces to enter Belgium. Eleven minutes later, Combat Command ”A”, now commanded by newly promoted, Brigadier General John H. “Peewee” Collier arrived representing the largest force to enter at that hour. Major General Edward Brooks followed right behind the 82nd Reconaissance Battalion. When Brooks came upon Lt. Col. Wheeler Merriam, 82nd Reconaissance Commanding Officer, stopped with his A and B Companies to refuel, he asked Merriam why he had stopped short with his advance, only to be told by Merriam that they were already ten miles inside the Belgium border.

Afterwards we learned that late that same afternoon, 2 September, at 1630 hours, the 3rd Armored Division entered Belgium. Major General Maurice Rose graciously permitted Brigadier General Doyle Hickey, one of his Combat Commanders, to be the first of that unit to cross the border; mistakenly under the impression that they were the first to cross the border. When the Belgium government recognized the 2nd Armored Division as the first to enter and liberate their country, they erected a monument on the spot, and they awarded the full division the Belgian Fourragere on 22 May 1945, ending that sibling rivalry and dispute about being “first.”

01 September, 2011

01 September 1944

438th AAA AW BN
APO 230 % Postmaster, N.Y.
1 September, 1944      0900

My dearest sweetheart –

September morning and the Germans can’t have much more fight left in them – as I see it. I don’t know what constitutes a rout or what doesn’t – but when you chase the hell out of someone and he can’t stop long enough to give a fight – that’s good enough for me. And that’s what is happening every day over here, darling. After those first several weeks of tough, slow going in Normandy, we never dreamed that we’d ever travel this way – but here we are.

The following snapshots were actually taken on 31 August 1944


Greg - "13 km from Chateau-Thierry
August 1944"

"Chateau Thierry - August 1944
From hill on the outskirts showing the River Marne"

"The Marne - August 1944
Not far from Chateau Thierry"

"Near Charly-sur-Marne - August 1944
Old doctor's house used as German Hq a few
days before our Command Post for 2 days"

"Champagne, Beer and Boat House - August 1944
on the way to Chateau Thierry 11 kilometers away"

"Monument commemorating last war
Outside Chateau Thierry - August 1944"

"Monument near Chateau Thierry - August 1944
Germans had left the area 2 days before.
French were getting ready to put up
American and French flags."

The day before yesterday was the last time I had a couple of hours to myself, dear, and I went over to visit one of the estates of Rothschild – Maurice, I believe. The entrance to it led through a forest and by a lake and then you go up a long driveway and you’re there. You can’t see all of the building from one spot because it stretches out in two directions. We entered – cautiously – because it had been a German Hq. as recently as the day before; some Maquis were still hunting for them on the grounds and in the cellar. From the moment I entered and went into room after room – I was awestruck. It was certainly the most fabulously ornate place I had ever been in and the realization that it was a home of the Rothschilds – made it more impressive, of course. We spent about two hours looking over the place and then had to return.

The towns we are hitting now – have been passed thru so swiftly by American infantry and tanks – that when we stop for a nite or two – the people overwhelm us with enthusiasm. In this particular section, we seem to be hitting the champagne country. A couple of officers bought champagne – 30 yrs old – last nite for 115 francs ($2.30) which is pretty cheap, it seems to me. Still on the lookout for fresh eggs – I went across the street from where we’re staying – because I saw some hens. I was invited in by a very friendly woman and her husband – and out came the white wine. As usual – they wanted to know if I were married and of course I explained about my fiancée; as usual – I showed them your picture, sweetheart and as usual they said “très jolie, très charmant, très gentile.” I always agree, dear, and with emphasis! I have shown your picture, now, to a good many Frenchmen and women and I might as well give you the score. Without exception – they pick your college picture as showing you to be younger than the other side of the folder picture – the one with you sitting down. They guess your age to be between 19 and 21 – which always makes me laugh. They always want to know why I laugh and I always ask “Alors – si ma fiancée a vingt ans, combien des ans ai-je, croyez-vous?” And, sweetheart – I swear I’m telling the truth – the average age they pick me to be is 25. Now I don’t know whether it’s because you’re so young – they expect me to be also – or because I look it. I’m pretty sure it’s the former. Anyway I always tell them I’m 32 and I ask if I’m too old for you and they say – 100% – not at all! So I guess everything is all right, darling. Boy! I can see you squirm – at that!

Gosh would I love to see you and hold you and kiss you, sweetheart! It’s been kind of bad the past several days – but I’m promising you a tough struggle when I get back, dear. That’s fair warning!!

That’s all for now, sweetheart; I’m off to look for a trailer for our truck. We’re kind of crowded – with the new officer’s luggage et al. Hope all is well at home, darling. My love to the folks and to you.

My sincerest love, dear

P.S. I got 4 eggs


about The Battle of Chateau-Thierry (1918)

From Wikipedia comes this summary of the the World War I battle of Chateau Thierry and the memorial built to commemorate that fight:

The Battle of Château-Thierry was fought on 18 July 1918 and was one of the first actions the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) under General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing. It was a battle in World War I as part of the Second Battle of the Marne, initially prompted by a German offensive launched on 15 July against the newest troops on the front, the AEF.

On the morning of 18 July 1918, the French (some of them colonial) and American forces between Fontenoy and Château-Thierry launched a counter-assault against the Germa positions. This assault on a 25 mile (40 km) wide front was the first for over a year. The American army played the larger role fighting for the regions around Soissons and Château-Thierry. The allied forces had managed to keep their plans a secret, and their attack at 04:45 took the Germans by surprise when the troops went "Over the Top" without a preparatory artillery bombardment, but instead followed closely behind a rolling barrage which began with great synchronized precision. Eventually, the two opposing assaults (lines) inter-penetrated and individual American units exercised initiative and continued fighting despite being nominally behind enemy lines.

After World War I, a memorial was built on Hill 204, 2 miles (3 km) west of the town for which it is named. The Chateau-Thierry Monument, designed by Paul P. Cret of Philadelphia, was constructed by the American Battle Monuments Commission "to commemorate the sacrifices and achievements of American and French fighting men in the region, and the friendship and cooperation of French and American forces during World War I."

This dramatic "Monuments aux Morts" (Monument to the Dead) in Chateau Thierry, by Achille Jacobin in 1928, is one of many throughout France.

31 August, 2011

31 August, 1944


438th AAA AW BN
APO 230 % Postmaster, N.Y.
31 August, 1944         1930

Hello darling!

This will be a quickie and I guess a shortie all in one. We’ve really been busy, dear, and I’ve crossed so many bridges – I’m dizzy. We’ve really been passing thru some hallowed ground – and it amazes me to realize that it took so long to go through in the last war – and we just get into our cars and ride thru it. A few spots I passed today still show evidence of the beating they took 25 years ago.

Two snapshots approaching Charly-sur-Marne,
liberated by the Americans on 28 August 1944


Yesterday I had a chance to visit one of the Rothschild’s estates and I’ll try to tell you about it tomorrow when I write. It’s late in the day now, Sweetheart, and I still have half a hundred things to take care of. I don’t like to write you choppy letters, dear, but I know you’ll understand.

Haven’t heard from you another day – but I don’t wonder. Have to stop now, dearest – something coming up I have to take care of. My love to the folks, darling and remember at ease or in a hurry – I love you very very much!!

My deepest love for now, darling,

Route of the Question Mark


(A) Gretz to (B) Charly-sur-Marne (40 miles)
29 to 31 August 1944

August 31... Charly-sur-Marne. We took over a mansion on the edge of town; had pay-call on a little mound in back of the house; swam in the Marne; bought champagne at a hundred francs a bottle; the civilians gathered outside out gates and gave us drinks of wine and calvados, not to mention grapes, eggs, and tomatoes; Pfc CRISCIONE danced around in a yellow dress and a bandanna.


about The Movement of VII Corps

From Mission Accomplished, The Story of the Campaigns of the VII Corps United States Army in the War Against Germany (1944-1945) comes this:

Corps units crossed the Seine at Melun on August 25th. On the 27th bridges our engineers built across the Marne carried our troops into the battlefields of World War I, past places famed for the glorious fighting of American troops in 1917 and 1918 - Soissons, Chateau Thierry, Belleau Wood. On and on, beyond Aisne, past the ancient fortified city of Laon, the advancing VII Corps dashed - the Spearhead (3rd Armored) Division leading, closely followed by the 1st and 9th Infantry Divisions and screened on the south flank by the Corps mechanized cavalry. So quickly did these flying columns move that the German command did not know where to expect them next. Motor convoys were overtaken trying to escape to the east. Even railroad trains, loaded with troops and supplies operating in what their crews believed to be the safety of rear areas, were surprised and destroyed by our armored spearheads. Everywhere in France the German Army was in chaos, and there seemed no safe place to reorganize short of the German border.

On August 31st our orders were changed, and the direction of our attack was altered from northeast to north. Perhaps we could cut off the retreating enemy columns, headed for the refuge of the West Wall fortifications.

30 August, 2011

30 August, 1944

438th AAA AW BN
APO 230 % Postmaster, N.Y.
30 August, 1944       1100

Dearest darling Wilma –

I’ve just come from visiting a grand palace not far from here. It had been occupied as an Hq. for the Germans – no more than 4 days ago – but it was empty now – and completely stripped except for some pictures of Hitler lying ingloriously on the floor; apparently they had left in a hurry. I’ve got the pictures and this p.m. my boys will have target practice.


"France - southeast of Paris - August 1944
Former palace of Royalty, later school for Physical Culture for
Women and then German Gestapo Hq. Pictures of Hitler and
Goering were all over the place and we had a field day."

We ourselves are in a new mansion of our own – having left the other yesterday p.m. This one is just as beautiful and the estate – larger. The inside is more modern and all the bedrooms have Simmons mattresses. The bedroom I’m using – with one other officer is about 40 feet long and 30 feet wide. Unlike the previous place – the people just didn’t seem to belong to it so I asked them about the history of the place. Up to 2 yrs ago it belonged to a Jew, Bernard Levy, a publisher of Paris. It was taken from him, and his whereabouts are unknown. How the present occupants got control of it, I don’t know – but I’ll bet they were collaborators.

"Brecey - 35 km southeast of Paris - August 1944
Home of Bernard Levy, former publisher of Paris, now prisoner
of Germans. Estate run by a former employee.
Ballation C.P. and sleeping quarters of officers.
Top row: Bill Shea, Bill Bowman, Stan Sargent, myself, The Chaplain
Bottom row: Colonel Lane, Fred Ellis, Bill Brown, Hi Morley"

I hated to leave the last place. The people were swell to us. I did meet that MD from Paris and we had a talk about the sick Mme. Marcou. Then we had dinner – beautifully served and by the way, I had cantaloupe – for the first time in a long long while.

Not far from here is the estate of one of the Rothschild’s and if I get a chance – I’ll take a run over. I’m snapping pictures of almost everything I see. I found a small town yesterday with a film shop and I was able to buy 12 more rolls of Kodak film. The expiration date will be in only 3-4 mos. but I think the film can be used after that. I now have at least 25 rolls of film and I’m trying to take pictures of anything that seems worth remembering. As yet I have been unable to develop any, and I hope the rolls don’t spoil. If they don’t – I’ll be able to show you a good many spots I’ve visited and we, or I, can reminisce for you, dear; because someday – when we’re alone and relaxing I’m going to start at the beginning darling, from the time I last saw you until the day I return – and tell you everything. I haven’t kept a diary – but I’ll remember most everything and it seems to me that my letters should fill in the rest. You’ll probably tire of hearing me talk – but we can take our time about it. When you’ll get tired of listening – we’ll forget about it and just kiss; when you get tired of kissing – well, will you?

"France - August 1944
In front of Maurice Rothschild's estate east of Paris.
Maquis in picture were hunting down some
Germans hiding in the cellar."

Yesterday – we got our other officer for the medical detachment – a second lieutenant, and not an MC – but an MAC – med. Administrative corp. That’s what our new T.O. calls for. I don’t know what we need him for – but he may help out a little. He’s young – 22 and from Detroit; he’s here – only a short time, having been in the States up to July. He’s married and has a baby on the way. He’s Catholic – Irish. I’ll tell you more when I know him better.

I got no mail from you yesterday or the day before, darling. I got one letter last nite and it was quite a surprise; it was from a cousin of mine from New York – one of my father’s brother’s sons – Jack A. I haven’t seen him in years and he was just a kid then. He’s here in France and must have written for my address. I’ll write him today and I’m going to try to contact him as soon as I can. He’s a private and will have little opportunity to look me up. At present he’s with a replacement company and I do hope they don’t put him in the infantry.

Well, sweetheart, I guess that is all for this morning. I’ve got to go get something to eat. The last few nights the moon has been getting bigger and bigger and I’ve been home with you – even if you didn’t know it. Somehow a bright moon seems to bring me nearer to you, dear. I’m sure you just feel the same way. It will be a grand day when we no longer need depend on the moon – So long for now, dear, love to the folks and

All my deepest love –


about Three Châteaus

The first picture Greg shows seems to be of "Armainvilliers", which belonged to the Péreire brothers, Isaac and Emile, rich bankers and competitors to the Rothchilds. It was built in 1852 in the best style of the end of the seventeenth century. It was surrounded by a beautiful and extensive park, which was kept in admirable order, well stocked with game, and affording charming and shady walks in every direction. It was hit by bombs in 1944 and destroyed in 1950.

James de Rothschild built two châteaus east of Paris. The one Greg visited was most likely the one less than two miles from the Péreire brothers and similarly called "Château d'Armainvilliers". That one had belonged to Edmund Rothschild, Maurice's father, who had died in 1934. It was built in 1877, replacing one torn down which had been built in the 12th century. Here is a picture of that château, which was occupied by the Germans during WWII. Today it is owned by the King of Morocco.

The second chateau east of Paris built by James de Rothschild was Château de Ferrières. Here are some pictures of that chateau, from top left clockwise, showing the South, North, Corner View and Aerial View:



According to Wikipedia:

The Château de Ferrières was built between 1855 and 1859 by Baron James de Rothschild, Maurice's grandfather. In 1870 it was owned by Edouard, Maurice's cousin. It eventually passed to Guy, Edouard's son. It is considered by far the largest and most luxurious 19th century château in France, it is about 26 km east of Paris.

Sitting at the crest of a long entry drive, the château was designed by the British architect Joseph Paxton. The inspiration for the design of Ferrières was "Mentmore Towers" in Buckinghamshire, England, the house Paxton built for Baron James's cousin Mayer Amschel de Rothschild. On seeing Mentmore, Baron James is reputed to have summoned Paxton and ordered "Build me a Mentmore, but twice the size."

With square towers at each corner, the house sits on a formal terrace that gives way to 0.5 square miles (1.25 km²) of gardens in a parkland landscaped in the English style that was part of a surrounding over 11 square miles (30 km²) forest contained in the estate. The showpiece central hall is 120 feet (36 meters)long and 60 feet (18 meters) high, its roof a full glass skylight. The sculpting of the interior atlas columns and caryatids was by Charles Henri Joseph Cordier and the decorative painting supervised by Eugène Lami. The massive library held more than 8,000 volumes. Because lavish entertaining was important, in addition to the private Rothschild apartments, the Château de Ferrières was built with eighty guest suites. Ferrières was inaugurated 16 December 1862 with a gala attended by Napoleon III.

Baron James acquired a vast collection of works of art, and statues adorned a number of the château's rooms. The Germans seized the château in WWI and again during the occupation of France in World War II, this time, looting its vast art collections. The château remained empty until 1959 when Guy de Rothschild and his new wife, Marie-Hélène de Zuylen van Nyeve set about refurbishing it. Their efforts saw it once again became the place where European nobility mingled with Hollywood movie stars at grand soirées. In 1975, Guy de Rothschild, Maurice's cousin's son, and his wife charitably donated the château to the chancellery of the University of Paris.

Today the Château de Ferrières is home to Ecole Ferrières, "The School of French Excellence: Hospitality * Gastronomy * Luxury":

29 August, 2011

29 August, 1944

438th AAA AW BN
APO 230 % Postmaster, N.Y.
29 August, 1944     1000
Dearest sweetheart –

It’s raining like fury outside right now – but I’m nice and dry, seated in a large arm chair facing a large window with thrown-open shutters. One thing about the Colonel – he likes to look for comfortable spots for his C.P. Sometimes there are such comfortable places around – but for reasons of safety, etc. – we don’t use them. We’ve been here for two days now and it sure is a grand place. The owner is an old man, dapper and cosmopolitan. He speaks English fairly well. That is true of many many Frenchmen in this part of France, by the way; the lady of the house is ill and spends most of her time in bed. Also living here are a son and daughter-in-law with their 3 children – ages 3, 8, 12. There are 3 cooks and I don’t know how many caretakers. It’s a large estate and only a wealthy man could own it. These people are wealthy. The son is president of a tremendous factory darling with automotive parts – etc. I say tremendous – dear, because I saw the factory yesterday. About 8 of the officers are living in the house and it’s quite comfortable. It is beautifully and richly furnished and I think you’d love it, darling.

Yesterday – I was invited to ‘dejuener’ today. Dejeuner is lunch or dinner here – although for the poorer class, dejuener is breakfast. The master of the house asked me to see his wife yesterday. She has hypertension and they’re having a doctor in today to see her. I’m to meet the doctor and then we’ll all have lunch together. You must think darling that it’s some war I’m fighting. It certainly is – but everything is a paradox and the contrast between where you are and how you live one day or part of one day – and how you lie crouched in a foxhole – the next – is understood only when you study the military situation. It certainly is fluid. At any rate – when you have a chance to be comfortable for even a day or two – we snatch at it. But what makes me wonder – is the fact that it all seems so natural to be under a roof. I’m glad though because I’m sure it will be the most natural thing in the world going back to a normal life. The grounds here – are beautiful. There are large flower gardens – and at one end of the estate is a swell tennis court. There are no tennis balls available, however.

“The ‘first’ time I saw Paris” – sweetheart, I was honestly thrilled. Somehow the thought of all that great city had gone through in the past and the fact that here I was riding through its streets – was something hard to describe. Certainly I was more thrilled than when I first entered London – but then, the comparison is not fair, because the situations were different. There weren’t many soldiers in the part of the city that I was in. My driver, the dentist and I took a ride to see if we could get into the city – past the MP’s etc. To our surprise – there was nobody around to stop us. We just drove in – like conquering heroes – and we were mobbed. Every time the jeep stopped – throngs gathered. If we stopped to try to take a snapshot – Frenchmen took pictures of us. We passed one of the many sidewalk cafés which we see so often in the movies. I thought it would be fun to dash out of the jeep – sit at one of the tables – while our driver took a picture of us. Well – sweetheart – as soon as we sat down – a crowd at another table called the waiter and ordered a bottle of white wine. I didn’t have any opportunity to say ‘no’. The driver – from the curbstone was trying to take our picture – but the crowd was now so big – he had to stand up in the jeep and look down at us. When the man who ordered the wine saw that we were going to have our pictures taken – he and his crowd (there were 3 or 4 couples) – got up and sat at our table. Everybody was laughing, yelling, singing, – the waiter poured wine – and I hope my driver got the shot – because it ought to be a good one. By this time – without exaggeration – there must have been 250-300 people around us – and I was getting worried – because if an MP happened to come by – we would have had a lot of explaining to do. But none came. We pushed thru the crowd – shaking hands, getting patted on the shoulders; waved at, sung at and finally drove off to a chorus of cheers. If I ever was impressed by a people’s emotionalism, sincerity and warmth, it was there, darling – and I mean it when I say I was thrilled. We didn’t see much of Paris – a couple of department stores from the outside, – Place de la Bastille, Place de la Republique – and throngs and throngs of people – happy people, walking the streets. We saw no evidence of damage – and heard and saw no snipers. We scooted out of the city and headed back here. I’ll never forget yesterday morning.

Pictures taken 28 August, 1944


"Paris - August 1944 - Place de la Bastille
Man in foreground took our picture in Jeep."

"Paris - August 1944 - Place de la Republique"
(Greg, identified by his armband, is by the rear leg of the Lion.)

"Sidewalk cafe - Paris - August 1944
All these people had been at other tables and surrounded us
when we sat down just to have our picture taken by our driver.
Woman's arm around me - put there at last moment
and removed immediately - so help me!"

"Paris - August 1944
The Seine from one of the bridges with
Cathedral Notre Dame in the distance."

Well – I’ve rambled on – darling – but I thought you’d like to hear about my experience. I’d like to come back to Paris – and with you. It looks like the sort of place people like to live. Perhaps one day we may be able to make it, sweetheart. I sure would love to have you with me to see some of the things I’m seeing. I would enjoy it so much more. I go no place – but what I imagine you with me – enjoying things together – but we will some day, dear, whether it’s here – or in our own place in Salem. It won’t make much difference – as long as I’m married to you and we are companions. I’ll have to stop now, darling, and when I finish this – I think I’ll spend a little time dreaming. Love to the folks – and

My everlasting love and affection

Route of the Question Mark


(A) Perthes to (B) Gretz (23 miles)
27 to 29 August 1944

August 29... Gretz. Here we visited the Rothschild Chateau, found it as large as a hotel, and looked for Jerry soldiers in the neighboring woods. We had a showing of THE SONG OF BERNARDETTE in the theater in town, and the entire civilian population tried to get in.


about The American Parade in Paris

On 29 August 1944, the day after Greg visited Paris, a second parade was held - this one for the Americans. Here is a video of what led up to the Liberation of Paris, produced as a newsreel in 1944. At the beginning and end, the second parade is shown:

28 August, 2011

28 August, 1944

438th AAA AW BN
APO 230 % Postmaster, N.Y.
28 (I think) August, 1944

My dearest one –

When I write I think it’s the 28th – I mean it. There’s no one around just now and I’m darned if I know for sure. The past couple of days have been terrifically busy – only with moving around and getting settled. Yesterday – for the 1st time in a long while I didn’t get a chance to write you or my folks. You’ll excuse me, darling, I know. I just wish I could tell you the places we’ve passed thru and seen – ‘passed thru’ is the right term, too, dear; our progress is so rapid that we don’t stay in a spot long enough to look around. It’s really wonderful, though, to realize that we’re doing so well.

Naturally – our mail has been confused – and I hope that you’re getting mine, darling, with some semblance of regularity. Today I got two of yours – the 1st for several days – dated 10 and 14th Aug; also one from Dad A, one from a friend in Italy and finally one from a fellow in N.Y. Yours – I liked best of all – simple a statement as that is. I enjoyed so – reading them – I felt immediately relaxed.

I was sorry to read about the “skunk” incident and I hope that by now the mystery is solved and the scoundrel done away with. Dad B has my sympathy; there’s no fun in seeing a good lawn torn to bits.

Before I forget it – I want to scold you in writing for your writing something you shouldn’t have. Darling – what you don’t seem to understand is that my folks love you for what you are and not because I brought you to them. I don’t like to go into details – but my folks haven’t always acted that way to girls I’ve brought home – for one reason or another – and remember, dear, they loved me in the past, too. No – it wouldn’t take you long to know whether they loved you because of me – or because you were the girl they always hoped I’d marry. You are that girl, sweetheart and they knew it in a very short time. They were very enthusiastic from the beginning, and their enthusiasm soon became love. I know you can feel it and have – already. Do not misinterpret it, dear. Now consider yourself scolded.

As to your being too idealistic – I don’t think so. I think you are very practical too, darling, and I like the combination very well. I know we can hit it off, too, because I believe that despite the paradox – I can combine idealism and realism to the best advantage. At any rate, dear, that’s the gamble you’ll have to take – and you’ve already told me – you’re willing to take it – for which I love you very much and am very happy.

I enjoyed reading that you were down to Winthrop for the weekend of the 11th or 12th. It really must have been hot. That damned house can really get like an oven and I know what you mean when you say it’s impossible to sleep. Again I don’t seem to recall who Rhea White is, dear. Will you enlighten me? And I do love to read that you feel so at home with my family. I thank God that I met you in time, darling. What I mean is – that with you knowing them so well and my getting to know your folks well in a very short time after the war (actually I feel as if I know them very well right now) – we just won’t have to wait any time at all to get married. It will be just the most natural thing in the world (and wonderful – I should add). God dammit – I do get impatient at times, too, sweetheart – but we’ll just have to stick it through.

Well – I’ll stop now, dear, and write again tomorrow – I hope. Take care of yourself, darling, and be well. I love you deeply, strongly and in every way I know how; you must realize it, dear. My love to the folks.

All my love


about One Day in a Cub


Written in late 1944 by (above, left to right):
Lts Adrian (Ade) Kibler, Don Spear, Jim Lowe & Bill Wade
Pictured in Kornelimunster, Germany, in October, 1944

Extracted from "Three Days in a Cub" on the Third Armored Division web site comes this story:

Thanks to the family of Adrian E. Kibler, Sr. for the article and the photo.

The following describes the activity on 28 August 1944 of 4 soldiers of the 991st Field Artillery Battalion (Air Section, First Army, VII Corps) while attached to the 3rd Armored Division during the advance east of Paris, France. The excerpted article also describes the 2nd and 3rd of September, 1944; they are omitted here.

On the morning of August 28, 1944, the 991st Field Artillery Battalion was in desperate need of maps; and, since there was no ground contact with the column, which was supplying maps, it was necessary to send a plane.

At 1205 Lt. Lowe and Lt. Wade left by plane in search of Division Artillery Headquarters, with no information as to their location other than that they were somewhere north of Meaux. This trip between columns necessitated traveling an undetermined distance over territory not yet entered by our forces. This trip was successfully accomplished and the maps delivered to the 991st Battalion Command Post at 1540. At this time Battalion was cut off from the column it belonged in, the forward elements having gone on, and the rear being stopped several miles short of the Battalion The other Battalion plane with Lt. Spear and Lt. Kibler had been flying steadily for several hours, acting as radio relay and making reconnaissance. They had also located and adjusted fire on a column of 20 German tanks which was dangerously near the Battalion. They were able to disperse the tanks and cause them to withdraw. The supply train belonging to the tank column was also fired on with good effect.

From that time on, both planes were in the air constantly acting as radio relay, which was the only communication the Battalion had, and giving information on enemy units interfering with, or close to the route of advance. During this time they rendered invaluable aid in clearing the rear elements of the Battalion from the town of Nuilly-St Front while enemy vehicles entered it from the other side. At one time they flew at an altitude of approximately 50 feet over three German vehicles entering the town and fired on them with .45 pistols to discourage them from proceeding farther into the town before the two bazooka teams, acting as rear guard, could be picked up.

Lt.'s Lowe and Wade reported a horse-drawn field piece in position to fire across the route of advance and caused it to withdraw before the leading elements came into range, thus avoiding possible loss from ambush. They also adjusted fire on, and silenced, (with suspected destruction of both guns), two enemy guns that were shelling the Battalion. They then transferred the fire on an enemy column in the same vicinity causing it to turn back and abandon seven vehicles.

Both planes stayed with the Battalion giving radio relay and reporting all enemy activity in the vicinity until they were able to report the location of the friendly column on the left flank. During this period there was a large amount of enemy movement sighted and reported.

During this entire period, all air personnel were aware of the fact that due to the small size of the column, they were flying over enemy territory at all times and that there were no allied aircraft in the vicinity to give protection against enemy aircraft. The enemy air force was then active in that area as shown by a warning call from Division during the afternoon, reporting twelve enemy fighter craft near, and the loss of a Cub airplane in the same locality the next day when it was attacked by twenty-two enemy planes. They were also aware of the situation that was developing as darkness came on. The column planned to continue the march after dark. The planes would have to land, and there were no units stopped near which the planes could land for protection of the equipment and personnel.

It was late dusk when the Battalion finally got close enough to get ground radio contact with their column and close enough that they could get support, if necessary, from the column on the left. This was in the vicinity of Braisne [near Soissons]. At that time the air personnel were faced with either attempting to land in the half light on a strange field near the Battalion, which would almost surely result in a crash and abandoning the planes, or returning to a field with which they were familiar and which had friendly troops near.

The nearest field of this nature was at La Ferte s/s [Jouarre] on the Marne River, almost one hour flying time away. A radio discussion disclosed the fact that both planes had enough gas to complete the trip, so it was decided that the better plan was to return to La Ferte s/s.

Since it was too dark to fly contact, the entire trip was navigated by compass with occasional checks on outstanding objects that were discernible. Just a small corridor through this territory was in friendly hands. The trip was completed and successful landings made at 2130, which was 45 minutes past last flying light on clear evenings at that time.

27 August, 2011

27 August, 1944

No letter today. Just this:



Château de Mémorant
"Battalion Command Post - South of Paris
August 1944"

Postcard of Château de Mémorant in Perthes,
back signed by the then-owner, Huguette Marcou

Front of the above signed postcard shows the layout behind the chateau

Aerial view of Chateau Memorant today
shows the same layout

Postcard of the Farm Drawbridge built in the 1300's

Route of the Question Mark


(A) Les Fretis to (B) Perthes (85 miles)
25 to 27 August 1944

August 27... Perthes. We set ourselves up in the grounds of a chateau, a handsome cream and white affair. Paris had just been liberated and some of the drivers managed to get there. We spent a horrible night while the Nazi bombers tried to hit the bridge over the Seine at Melun.

[Note: From the chateau to the bridge at Melun is approximately 6 miles]


about the Château de Mémorant

The construction of the original chateau, in the early twelfth century, was to form a parallelogram whose angles were protected by towers. The lord of Château de Mémorant was Jean de Mémorant, a nephew of Pierre de Sens. The next inhabitant was Thomas de Pisan, counselor, physician and astrologer to King Charles V. A rare female figure in French literature in the Middle Ages, Christine de Pisan, Thomas's daughter, arrived in France in 1368 at the age of 26. When she was widowed with three children, she moved into Château de Mémorant to live with her father from 1390 to 1392. It was during this period of mourning for her husband that she wrote most of her poems, including one of her most famous ballads, expressing loneliness and torment.

On November 14, 1392, Philippe de Maizières, Knight of Cyprus and counselor of Charles V, bought Château de Mémorant from Christine de Pisan. On May 9, 1393, he donated it to the Celestine Monks of Paris. On August 15, 1539, Perthes and the Château de Mémorant were destroyed by the soldiers of Charles le Mauvais, the head of Navarre. The two main mills were also razed.

The chateau was rebuilt in 1857. The only parts of the ancient castle that remain today are some sections of walls and turrets, including the farm drawbridge shown in the postcard, above.