09 June, 2012

09 June 1945

438th AAA AW BN
APO 339 % Postmaster, N.Y.
9 June, 1945      0820
My darling fiancée –

Well – again I had no mail yesterday – and that’s the worst week I’ve had in a long while, dear, but I understand why. I know you couldn’t have felt much like writing a couple of weeks ago.

Here it is a month after VE day and nothing much seems to have happened. I believe I told you yesterday, sweetheart, that Corps had been alerted. To the best of my knowledge at present, we’re supposed to receive orders within a week – sending us to Belgium or France where we’ll do “railroad work”. Those are the exact quotes and no one here knows what that means. I can’t remember whether I told you all of this yesterday – or not. We hear so many things in a day that I try to pass them all on to you. I’ll assume I haven’t told you. Anyway – the way we got it was that Army needed 4 battalions to help out on some railroad work – transporting, I assume – and we were one battalion recommended because of our recent experience with Ex PW’s and Displaced Persons. As we see it – it’s a step in the right direction – i.e. towards a Port, and yet, without being rushed at it. Also – if we have a mission, we don’t have to start training – while we wait – as so many other outfits are already doing.

If we do leave here, dear, we’re leaving a set-up that will be difficult to match. Aside from the comforts of this building – we’ll leave behind some magnificent tennis courts – and one swell swimming pool. But we’ll all feel wonderful, nevertheless, for somehow or other – we’ll all have the feeling that we’re getting near to home.

Last nite – we saw a good U.S.O. cast put on “Junior Miss”. I didn’t see the original, but this group was certainly Class A and it was most enjoyable. It has been very hot here and I’ll bet it gets damned hot here later in the summer. If you look at a map of Germany – you’ll see how much in the Geographic center of Germany – Leipzig is.

We found a swell cleaning and dying establishment in this town and I’m having everything I own cleansed, including my sleeping bag. They do an excellent job – and the prices are ridiculous. Long before the war – a mark was originally worth 2 ½ to our dollar – or about 40 cents. It finally went down so that there were about 4 marks to the dollar. Our Gov’t marks are worth 10¢ and not 25 – but whether the Germans understand this or not – I don’t know. At any rate the American Army is giving them an awful gypping. For example – cleaning and pressing one shirt and one pair of trousers costs 90 phennings or .9 marks or 9¢. I bought a roll of film the other day for 1 mark etc. Unfortunately – there’s nothing in town worth buying – and we’re not allowed to buy anything anyway. It will be much different in Belgium or France – where they’ve really learned to exploit the G-I.

This is Saturday a.m., darling, and I have my weekly report to submit. All this drivel doesn’t amount to a thing. The point is I love you terribly and I want you to know it in every way possible. Soon, darling, soon – we’ll be together again – and that’s what I’m waiting for. So long for now, sweetheart. Be well, keep patient. Love to the folks – and remember always

I’m yours alone


about Patton Visits Los Angeles

General Patton Waves to Los Angeles Crowd - 9 June 1945

General George S. Patton and fellow Californian Army Air Forces Lieutenant General Jimmy Doolittle were honored on June 9, 1945, with a parade through Los Angeles, California and a reception at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum before a crowd of over 100,000 people. The next day, Patton and Doolittle toured the metropolitan Los Angeles area. Patton spoke in front of the Burbank City Hall and at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. He wore his helmet with a straight line of stars, chest full of medals, and two ivory-handled (not pearl, as is often incorrectly stated) revolvers. He punctuated his speech with some of the same profanity that he had used with the troops. He spoke about conditions in Europe and the Russian allies to the adoring crowds. This may be the only time in America when civilians, en masse, heard and saw the famous warrior on the podium. Here is that speech:

The day after his speech the Los Angeles Examiner headline was "1,500,000 THUNDER ACCLAIM TO PATTON,  DOOLITTLE HERE".

During this visit, Patton quietly donated an original copy of the 1935 Nuremberg Laws, which he had illegally smuggled out of Germany, to the Huntington Library, a repository of historical original papers, books, and maps, in his hometown San Marino. Patton instructed physicist Robert Millikan, then the chairman of the board of trustees of the Huntington Library, to make no official record of the transaction, and to keep their possession of the materials secret during Patton's lifetime.

The "Nuremberg Laws on Citizenship and Race" established the legal basis for racial discrimination in Germany. There was almost no opposition to the introduction of these laws. As of 30 September 1935, only a person of 'German blood' (four white circles, top row left, on the chart below) could be a German citizen. The First Supplementary Decree of November 14th, 1935 further clarified the definition of a Jew according to bloodlines.


The Huntington Library retained the Nuremberg Laws in a basement vault in spite of a legal instruction in 1969 by the general's family to turn over all of his papers to the Library of Congress. On June 26, 1999, Robert Skotheim, then the president of the Huntington Library, announced that the Library was to permanently lend the Nuremberg Laws to the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles. On August 25, 2010, the National Archives announced that the Nuremberg Laws would be transferred from the Huntington Library to their collection.

The visit to Los Angeles was Patton's last United States appearance. Although he wanted to continue the fight in the Pacific he was sent to assist in the de-Nazification of Europe. On December 9, 1945, the day before he was scheduled to leave Europe for a permanent trip back to the U.S., Patton was severely injured in a road accident. He and his chief of staff, Major General Hobart R. "Hap" Gay, were on a day trip to hunt pheasants in the country outside Mannheim, Germany. Patton sat in the back seat on the right side, with Gay on his left, as per custom. At 11:45 near Neckarstadt (Mannheim-Käfertal), shortly after Patton's car had stopped for a train and accelerated after the train's passing, a 2½ ton GMC truck made a left turn in front of Patton's car. The car hit the front of the truck at a relatively low speed, estimated at 30 mph.

At first the crash seemed minor: the vehicles were hardly damaged, no one in the truck was hurt, and Gay and Woodring were uninjured. However, Patton in the back had not been braced for the crash and hadn't realized it was coming. After the impact he was found leaning back with breathing trouble; he had been thrown forward, causing his forehead to strike a metal part of the partition between the front and back seats. This impact inflicted a forehead wound and a severe cervical spinal cord injury. Immediately paralyzed from the neck down, and aware of it, he was rushed to the military hospital in Heidelberg. He spent most of the rest of his remaining 12 days conscious, in spinal traction to decrease spinal pressure, and in some pain, but never complaining. Essentially all non-medical visitors except Patton's wife, who had flown from the U.S., were forbidden. Patton, who had been told he had no chance to ever again ride a horse or resume normal life, at one point commented: "This is a hell of a way to die." He died of a pulmonary embolism without any sign of struggle, in the afternoon of December 21, 1945.

08 June, 2012

08 June 1945

438th AAA AW BN
APO 339 % Postmaster, N.Y.
8 June, 1945     0815

Dearest darling Wilma –

I received two letters from you yesterday postmarked 28 and 31 May – and that’s really something – considering that the papers at home are writing that letters will be delayed, lost etc. Of all the stupid things to print! It’s people who print stuff like that that make it tough for soldiers. I think letters from home mean much more now than they ever did before. I’m glad you haven’t been influenced and are still writing sweetheart. It makes no difference where a soldier goes – his mail always follows him. So far – our position is status quo. When I think I’m heading home, I’ll write you, sweetheart. Until then – don’t believe a word you read in the papers, because they don’t know what they’re talking about. Each and every outfit over here is a separate entity in itself, and we’re no exception. For example, and this is the very latest rumor – we heard that 7th Corps had been alerted yesterday for a quick return to the States – but that the 438th was not alerted with them. Well – the latter is true anyway – because we are not alerted. Now 7th Corps – means just 7th Corps Hq and no one else. The rumor, incidentally, went on to say that within a week or 10 days, we’d be heading for Belgium or France. And just the day before – the 7th Corps and we – were supposed to be going to Bavaria. So you see, darling, how can the papers in Boston, for example, possibly know what’s in store for the 438th? I’m certain of one thing – we won’t be part of the permanent army of occupation – and that we’ll get home for a long Leave. I know also that the Divisions heading for home this month – have been here the shortest – they get home sooner – but they go to the Pacific first – and that’s O.K. with me.

I searched in both of your letters for some reaction to my discussion or mention of marriage which I believe appeared in almost every letter I’ve written since VE day. Perhaps some of those letters haven’t reached you as yet – because you don’t bring up the subject at all, though I can understand that your mind must have been upset and preoccupied with Florence’s death. But it’s just because I want to get home with you and “live” – as you put it – that I’m anxious to hear from you. If you haven’t before realized how short life can be – you certainly had it shown to you now. It’s no surprise to me; I’ve seen it over and over again. And that – among other reasons – is why I want to hurry home and marry you, darling. Oh – I’m not afraid of any impending doom – or anything like that. It’s just that I’m so sure of my love for you and yours for me. Then why not get married and enjoy life? I know I’ll be around long enough to make it sensible.

Incidentally – I’m a little rusty in my medicine, but I don’t quite follow Florence’s case. If she had a Waterhouse-Friedricksen’s Syndrome – that must have been part of the picture. As I remember that – it represents a condition of hemorrhage in the adrenal glands. I’ve got no book on medicine so I can’t be sure. But it’s fatal in itself – aside from any meningitis. Did she develop meningitis – and as a result of the disease – have hemorrhage into her adrenals? And they must have taken a spinal culture. What was the organism?

I don’t know what Mrs. Countis’s brother’s transfer means. I’ve stopped thinking about it (transfers) and I’m just going to follow my course. I want one thing more than anything – and that is to get home to you, talk things over and marry you. I’m sure of that feeling – and I feel it’s the best thing. I’m hoping you’re going to feel the same way, darling.

I’ll have to go downstairs now, dear, and do a little work. Send my love to the folks – and remember I love you hard, strongly, constantly and deeply. You’ll see –

All my everlasting love,


about One "Axis Sally"

On 8 June 1945 The New York Times published an article with the title “Americans Seize Axis Sally in Italy; Fascist Broadcaster Born Here”. On 9 June, Tom C. Clark, US Assistant Attorney General of the Criminal Division was asked whether a charge of treason was in order following an article in The Washington Daily News:

Rome, June 7 -- Allied headquarters announced today the arrest in Turin of "Axis Sally," whose honeyed voice dripped propaganda poison into the ears of radio listeners during the war in the Mediterranean. She is Rita Louisa Zucca, 33, born in New York City. Her father operates a restaurant on 49th Street, officials said.

Wikipedia says the following about this Axis Sally:

Rita Luisa Zucca, born in 1912, was an Italian-American radio announcer who broadcast Axis propaganda to Allied troops in Italy and North Africa. She became known as one of the "Axis Sallys," along with Mildred Gillars, who broadcast out of Berlin, Germany.

Zucca's father, Louis, owned a very successful restaurant in New York's midtown in the 1930s and 1940s, called Zucca's Italian Garden. Located at 116-118-120 West 49th Street, the restaurant had its own promotional postcards which displayed a distinctly refined setting. Zucca spent her teenage years in a convent school in Florence and, as a young woman, had worked in the family business.

Zucca's Italian Garden Postcard

She returned to Italy in 1938, working as a typist and renouncing her American citizenship three years later to save her family's property from expropriation by Mussolini's government.

As the Allied invasion of Italy progressed, the Fascist government of Benito Mussolini decided to try and emulate the German radio’s Axis Sally broadcasts of Mildred Gillars. In the summer of 1943, the Italian national radio network in Rome hired the 30-year-old Zucca with this aim in mind, in spite of her losing a typing job in 1942 for copying an anti-Fascist pamphlet.

Zucca was teamed with German broadcaster Charles Goedel in the program 'Jerry's Front Calling'. Much to Gillars' chagrin, Zucca was also referred to as Axis Sally. Zucca's trademark sign-off was "a sweet kiss from Sally", and she was often mistaken for Gillars. According to one account, Zucca signed onto each show by uttering "Hello Suckers!" and her signature tune was "Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea". Here is that song as it was originally recorded by Cab Calloway in 1931.

Zucca's broadcasts sometimes used intelligence provided by the German embassy in Rome in an attempt to confuse Allied troops. One notable example came on July 8, 1943, the night before the invasion of Sicily. Her broadcast that night told "the wonderful boys of the 504th Parachute Regiment" that "Col. Willis Mitchell's playboys [the 61st Troop Carrier Group] are going to carry you to certain death. We know where and when you are jumping and you will be wiped out." The value of this particular revelation backfired when Sally announced to the men that their regiment had been decimated — a full hour before the first plane took off.

As the Allied armies advanced north into Rome, Zucca retreated north with the Germans in 1944 and resumed broadcasting from Milan. There, in September 1944, the broadcast crew of Jerry's Front was attached to a German military propaganda unit called the Liberty Station. By then Zucca was pregnant. Her son was born on 15 December 1944. She returned to the microphone 40 days later and continued until her final broadcast on 25 April 1945.

As the Axis army finally collapsed, Zucca went by train to her uncle’s home in Milan, where she took refuge until her identification and arrest on 5 June 1945. A correspondent from the American military magazine Stars and Stripes, said that Zucca's well-known crossed-eye condition did nothing to detract from her attractiveness: "True, her left eye is inclined to wander—but that cooey, sexy voice really has something to back it up." Newspapers in America were far more scathing. "Soft-Voiced 'Sally' Found to Be Ugly Ex–N.Y. Girl" was a typical headline, with descriptions of the young mother as "[as] ugly and unattractive in person as her voice was appealing." Another journalist called her "cross-eyed, bow-legged and sallow-skinned."

All attempts by the American government to prosecute Zucca for treason broke down when it became clear that she had renounced her American citizenship before she had started broadcasting. The FBI's J. Edgar Hoover wrote to the Justice Department, "In view of the fact that she has lost her American citizenship, no efforts are being made at the present time to develop a treason case against her."

Zucca was then tried by an Italian military tribunal on charges of collaboration. On March 29, 1946 she was sentenced to 4½ years in prison, but was released after 9 months. She was barred from returning to the United States.

07 June, 2012

07 June 1945


438th AAA AW BN
APO 339 % Postmaster, N.Y.
7 June, 1945      0820

Dearest darling Wilma –

We got by our 3 yr anniversary and one year D-Day anniversary without any trouble. As a matter of fact, I didn’t even have a drink. I somehow just didn’t feel like it. I swam most of the afternoon and in the evening we saw a movie “The Animal Kingdom”. It had been done some time ago. It was fair – that’s all. Tonight – a U.S.O. show hits town with “Junior Miss” and allegedly – the New York Cast – but ai hai mai doots.

Leipzig - 438th Swimming Pool - June 1945

How are you feeling, darling? I hope you’re taking care of yourself and that you’re over the greatest part of the shock you got at Florence’s death. How are the family – and Phil?

Some more rumors flying around – a couple fairly authentic it seems. Nothing about coming right home – but that’s O.K. for now, sweetheart. All the newer outfits here have been alerted they’ll get home first – but they’ll leave for the Pacific earlier. The more we stay here – the less the likelihood of having to go. I sure would love that September wedding – sweetheart I’m getting tired of living without you. How about a change? Love to the folks.

All my sincerest love,


about Harry Truman's Diary

President Truman's Hand-written Diary Entry
7 June 1945     Page 1 of 7 pages

This diary entry comes from the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum's web site. It was described as "Longhand note of President Harry S. Truman, June 7, 1945, detailing Truman’s hope that the United States and U. S. S. R. can reach agreement on postwar issues. Papers of Harry S. Truman: President’s Secretary’s File". The transcription of all seven pages follows.
June 7, 1945

Looks like San Francisco would be a success yet. Uncle Joe agreed to accept an interpretation of the veto. He also agreed to reconsider the Polish question. We may get a peace yet. Hopkins has done a good job in Moscow.

Davies did a good one in Britain. It was a good thought when they were sent over.

Montana went haywire and elected a Republican Congressman and Wheeler went haywire in Italy on the Russians. Every time we get things going halfway right with the Soviets some smart aleck has to attack them. If it isn't Willie Hearst, it's Bertie McCormack or Burt Wheeler – or it is some other kind who wants to appease Germany but just can't see any good in Russia. I'm not afraid of Russia. They've always been our friends and I can't see any reason why they shouldn't always be. The only trouble is the Crazy American Communist. There is only one in a million of our population but they are loyal to Stalin and not to the American President. I'd like to send them to Russia. Uncle Joe would promptly send them to Siberia or a concentration camp I'm sure. But I can't do that and wouldn't if I could. Emma Goldman and William Z. Foster found by experience that the dictatorship of the proletariat is no different from the Czar or Hitler. There's no socialism in Russia. It's the hotbed of special privilege.

A common everyday citizen has about as much say about his government as a stock holder in the Standard Oil of New Jersey has about his company. But I don't care what they do. They evidently like their government or they wouldn't die for it. I like ours so let's get along.

You know Americans are funny birds. They are always sticking their noses into somebody's business which isn't any of theirs. We send missionaries and political propagandists to China, Turkey, India and everywhere to tell those people how to live. Most of 'em know as much or more than we do. Russia won't let 'em in. But when Russia puts out propaganda to help our parlor pinks – well that's bad – so we think. There is not any difference between the two approaches except one is “my” approach and the other is “yours.” Just a “moat and beam” affair.

The United States was created by the boys and girls who couldn't get along at home. So called Puritans who weren't by any manner of means pure came to Mass[achusetts] to try out their own witch burning theories. Roger Williams couldn't stand 'em any better than they could stand England under the Stuarts. Most every colony on the East Coast was founded for about the same reason by folks who couldn't get along at home. But by amalgamation we've made a very good country and a great nation with a reasonably good government. I want to maintain it and shall do all I can in spite of the hyphenates and crackpots.

I've no more use for Polish-Americans, Irish-Americans, Swedish-Americans or any other sort of hyphenate than I have for Communist Americans. They all have some other loyalty than the one they should have. Maybe the old melting pot will take care of it. I hope so.
By the way, the expression "moat and beam" affair refers to a Christian parable. It is also known as "the pot calling the kettle black".

06 June, 2012

06 June 1945

438th AAA AW BN
APO 339 % Postmaster, N.Y.
6 June, 1945      0820

My dearest sweetheart –

I got your letter of 24 May yesterday – in which you told me of Florence, and honestly, darling, I hardly know what to say. I can well imagine how difficult it was for you, dear, to write the letter. I reread your statement telling me she had died – over and over and I just couldn’t and still can hardly believe it. It doesn’t seem as if she had half a chance. Meningitis isn’t so often fatal these days as it used to be. Did she get penicillin? What was the final diagnosis – I mean – what type of meningitis did she have?

My Lord – what a shock to Phil and the family! I’d like to write my condolences – but I just didn’t know Florence or Phil well enough. I was getting to like Florence – thru her letters. They were straightforward. I didn’t know about their having had a son who supposedly died with the same disease. I’m glad, darling, that you weren’t exposed – although I suspect that exposure would have very little effect on contracting the disease. There’s something deeper than that involved. It’s a terrible thing – and fundamentally – the one person who is taking the biggest licking is Phil.

A funny thing occurred in the past several days. I hadn’t heard from you in 4 or 5 days and yet mail was coming in. One afternoon I got to thinking of it particularly, and a peculiar wave of fear came over me – that something must be wrong. I thought about it awhile – and then pushed it from my mind.

Well, sweetheart, I can’t think of anything more I can say now that can help me express myself more adequately. I’ll stop at this short point because there’s nothing more to say in a letter of this sort. By now I hope the nerves of most of the family are a bit settled. I hope, darling, that you are O.K. yourself. I would have liked to have been home to help you take it a bit more easily. Be well, sweetheart, for me – and take care of yourself. Love to the folks – and
All my deepest love


about Meningitis and Penicillin

Greg mentioned that while overseas he continued to read JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association. His question in this letter as to whether or not Wilma's aunt, Florence, had received penicillin for treatment of her meningitis may have resulted from his reading an article in that journal, dated 3 February 1945 in issue Vol. 127, No. 5. Here are excerpts from that article:


05 June, 2012

05 June 1945

438th AAA AW BN
APO 339 % Postmaster, N.Y.
5 June, 1945      0810
My darling fiancée –

How many times must I tell you not to listen to the news analysts – so-called? I received you letter of 21 May – the first letter in several days, dear – and there you were – all ready expecting you wouldn’t be hearing from me, expecting I’d be home in a couple of weeks; I’ll bet you wondered if you ought to keep writing. I’m only kidding of course, darling, but those damned radio men make me wild. And it’s not only you. Several of us yesterday got letters of the same date – and each letter had the same content. One fellow’s sister had a package done up ready to send – and she was going to hold it off – because of what she heard on the radio.

Oh – I know how you feel – sweetheart – and don’t think for a moment that I wasn’t just as enthused as you when I heard the words “First Army going home”. But as I’ve already written, dear, it was only Headquarters that went and that’s all an Army ever is. Divisions and Corps are changed about with ease – as for example – our Corps – which is now Ninth Army. All they have to do is write it down on a piece of paper and you’re in or out of anything.

Anyway, sweetheart, I loved your enthusiasm and I hope you were able to perceive as much in my letters these past two or three weeks. I’ll take exception to one point, though in your letter – the one in which you say you’ve sometimes in the past felt that you’re the one that’s making love and I’m acquiescing. I think I’ve already taken up the subject, sweetheart, even before you mentioned it. The fact is I have been on the reticent side – but I made myself be so. War is so damned uncertain. But I’m reticent no longer and you must know my every thought and wish; You must know how much I love you and want you; that I want to marry you as soon as I get home, and that I want to make you as happy as I possibly can. I haven’t as yet received any letters in answer to the ones I’ve sent you most recently – and I’m very anxious to hear your reaction. I know there are a lot of details involved, but damn it to hell – I’ve worried about details all my life. I’m ready to live on instinct for awhile. Like everyone else – I’ll get at least a month off. I’ll have to sweat out a reassignment then. If I get it – we’ll go anywhere in the States – and you’ll go with me. Suppose I don’t get a U.S. job. Well – I’ll either be reassigned to a hospital – or who knows, stay with the same outfit. In any case – it doesn’t mean getting right on a boat. All outfits will put in two or 3 months’ more training. Now figure it out for yourself, dear. I’m not home yet and probably won’t be for a couple of months – anyway. Then add another month’s Leave – and a couple of months’ training. By that time – Japan’s homeland will be so flattened – that the Emperor will call it quits – or if not – it will be ready for invasion. In any case – the war with Japan will be very much advanced. Suppose I do get in on the tail end of it – the policy there will be the same as here – those who fought in 2 theaters – get home first. Now – shall we postpone our marriage until then – or shall we get married and start living? And don’t forget – the minute we marry – our income increases from $200 odd to something like $320 – in other words – if you don’t want to, you won’t have to work; your income continues and you’re married, to boot.

Well – well – forgive me, darling – it was the old salesman in me – running away. But most of it makes sense. Think it over and let me know how you feel.

All else here is the same – no new rumors. We had our inspection yesterday, but it didn’t amount to much. Heard from Lawrence yesterday and he’s bound to get out of Bragg – even if he has to join the paratroopers. I can’t seem to bring him to his senses, but I’ll keep trying.

And so for now, sweetheart, I’ll have to leave you. You can see, dear, that one way or another – I’m in a happy state of mind – because I know I’ll be coming home to you with pleasant thoughts in mind.

Love to the folks, darling – and
All my truest, deepest love is yours


about England, France and the Levant States

Modern Levant

The Levant is the eastern shoreland of the Mediterranean, the north-south branch of the Fertile Crescent, one of the most ancient cultivated regions of the world. It is a stretch of land about 150 km wide, wedged in between the sea and the Syrio-Arabian desert, stretching from the mouth of the River Orontes and the Amanus and Taurus mountain ranges in the north, to the Isthmus of Suez in the south.

The name "Levant States" was given to the French Mandate of Syria and Lebanon, a League of Nations Mandate created after the First World War and the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire. During the two years that followed the end of the war in 1918, the British held control of the Ottoman province of Mesopotamia (Iraq) and the southern part of the Ottoman province of Syria (Palestine and Jordan), while the French controlled the rest of Ottoman Syria (modern Syria, Lebanon, and Hatay province of Turkey).

During the first years of the 1920s, the British and French control of these territories became formalized by the League of Nations' mandate system, and France was assigned the mandate of Syria in September 29, 1923, which included modern Lebanon and Hatay (Alexandretta) in addition to modern Syria.

The French mandate of Syria lasted until 1943, when two independent countries emerged from the mandate period, Syria and Lebanon, in addition to Hatay which had joined Turkey in 1939 following a referendum. French troops fled Syria and Lebanon finally in 1946. Leading up to the event, there was discord between France and England. Below are excerpts from a speech given in Commons by Winston Churchill on 5 June 1945. Click here to read the entire speech.

Parliamentary Debates

When regrettable incidents like those in Syria occur between nations so firmly attached to one another as are the French and British, and whose fortunes are so closely interwoven, it is nearly always a case of "the least said the better." On the other hand, I am assured that harm would be done by leaving some of the statements in General de Gaulle's speech to the Press of 2nd June unanswered by His Majesty's Government; and I feel also that the House of Commons would expect to be authoritatively informed.

The sense of General de Gaulle's speech was to suggest that the whole trouble in the Levant was due to British interference. I think my right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary has already made it clear that so far from stirring up agitation in the Levant States our whole influence has been used in precisely the other direction.

The most strenuous and, I think, successful efforts have been made by His Majesty's Minister in Beirut to produce a calmer atmosphere in which negotiations could be conducted for a settlement of outstanding questions between France and the Levant States. I myself impressed upon the President of Syria most strongly the need for a peaceful settlement when I saw him in Cairo in February. We were successful in persuading the Levant States to open negotiations, which they had previously been unwilling to do. They asked the French for their proposals. That was last February. While General Beynet was still in Paris awaiting his instructions it became known in the Levant in April that the French intended to send reinforcements. The Syrian and Lebanese Governments were greatly disturbed by the delay in receiving the French proposals and also by the prospect of reinforcements arriving. We had already represented to the French Government that the arrival of reinforcements, however small, was bound to be misunderstood as a means of pressure in these negotiations and to have serious repercussions, but our representations did not meet with success.

On 4th May, ... I sent a friendly personal message to General de Gaulle, who had expressed to our Ambassador his concern as to our ultimate intentions in the Levant States. I explained, ... that we had absolutely no ambitions there of any kind... We seek no territory or any kind of advantage there that is not given to all the other nations of the world. I also explained that we had recognized France's special position in the Levant... But, I explained, our commitments and duties extended throughout the Middle East where our main task was to ensure that Allied war communications were kept secure from interruption and disturbance. We could not, therefore, disregard events in the Levant States. His Majesty's Government had no designs against French interests in Syria and Lebanon and I was willing, I told General de Gaulle, to order a withdrawal of all British troops from Syria and the Lebanon the moment a treaty had been concluded and was in operation between the French Government and the Syrian and Lebanese Governments.

... I urged that the reinforcing of French troops at this moment when the Levant States had been waiting for treaty proposals would give the impression that the French were preparing a settlement to be concluded under duress and thus poison the atmosphere for the negotiations which were about to begin. General de Gaulle replied that General Beynet, the French Delegate-General, was returning with instructions to open negotiations but made no reference to the question of French reinforcements...

On 12th May, General Beynet returned to Beirut and started his discussions with the Syrian and Lebanese Governments. They informed him that they were prepared to negotiate, but not if reinforcements arrived. In spite of this... French Forces began to arrive on 17th May and on account of that and because Levant States considered that the French proposals went further than they were prepared to discuss, the Syrian and Lebanese Governments broke off negotiations.

The internal situation became very tense. In the towns of Damascus, Beirut and Tripoli the bazaars and shops were closed on 19th May and there were demonstrations in Damascus involving some firing from the grounds of the French hospital. About a dozen people were injured but none were killed. On the next day, 20th May, a serious riot took place at Aleppo. Three French soldiers were killed and some injured. French armored cars entered the town and cleared the streets after a good deal of firing. It was estimated that at least ten civilians were killed and thirty injured. In all the main towns in Syria the bazaars remained closed for some days, and in Aleppo both the Syrian gendarmerie and French troops patrolled the town. In the Lebanon the towns of Beirut and Tripoli re-opened their shops on 23rd May following an appeal by the Lebanese Government to the population to carry on their business and to leave it to the Government to defend Lebanese independence.

Throughout these events we contently counseled patience on both sides, and we were endeavoring to arrange diplomatic discussions at which the whole situation produced by the breakdown of negotiations could be discussed and if possible settled. The Syrian Government appealed earnestly to us to supply further arms for the gendarmerie to enable them to keep order in spite of the popular excitement. They could, they said, retain control of the situation provided the population were not unduly excited by too ostentatious French military precautions and provided that the gendarmerie, who were becoming tired, were reinforced. Nevertheless the French authorities persisted in their objection to our supplying any further arms to the Syrian gendarmerie for their reinforcements, presumably because they were afraid they might be used against themselves. By 24th May the French had had to evacuate their troops from the citadel in Aleppo, but disorder was feared in the process and the French General threatened to shell the town if any shot were fired.

On 25th May His Majesty's Minister was instructed by the Foreign Office to represent to the Syrian Government... that it was essential that they should maintain control of the situation... Strong representations were also made in Paris and in the French Embassy in London drawing attention to the extremely tense local situation and urging that the French Government should suspend the dispatch of the contemplated further reinforcements. It was pointed out that French armored car and lorry patrols continued in the streets of Aleppo and Damascus, that aircraft were flying low over the mosques during the hour of prayer, and machine guns were prominently placed on the roofs of buildings. This naturally excited the population. We represented very strongly the unfortunate consequences which further disturbances might have in the Middle East as a whole, which incidentally would affect the communications of the war with Japan.

Serious fighting broke out in Hama on 27th May... This was disappointing as only the day before the British political officer had been able to arrange a meeting between the various parties and a diminution of tension. On 28th May the Syrian Minister for Foreign Affairs informed His Majesty's Minister that events had overtaken him and he could no longer be responsible for internal security. At Homs and Hama there was shelling by the French and the situation got quite out of hand. Disorders spread to Damascus where French shelling began on the evening of 29th May - into this open and crowded city - and continued off and on until the morning of 31st May. The official casualty figures for Damascus are: Killed, gendarmes 80, civilians 400; seriously wounded 500; injured 1,000. The Foreign Secretary has already explained to the House how these very unfortunate events... made it inevitable for us to intervene to restore a situation which had got out of hand and might spread almost without limit...

I hope it will be clear from the information which has been given to the House that it is not true, as has been suggested, that we have endeavored to stir up agitation, but that the very opposite is the truth... We do not intend to steal the property of anybody in this war. General de Gaulle also suggested that after the recent breakdown of negotiations disturbances were caused by bands armed with British weapons attacking isolated French posts. As the House has been informed by the Foreign Secretary, the Syrian gendarmerie and police were last year supplied, by agreement with the French, with some modern rifles and equipment.

I wish to make it clear here and now that until we had to intervene no arms were issued by us to the Syrians or Lebanese except by agreement with the French... For the sake of maintaining order... we have now issued some arms. It is unfortunately true that some 200 men of the Sixteenth Arab Battalion of the Palestine Regiment were involved in minor disturbances in Beirut on VE Day, which is a long time ago compared with these events, and the day after. There were a number of other disturbances in Beirut at that time and it would be absurd to suggest that these instances had the smallest connection with the subsequent serious disturbances in Syria. An immediate inquiry was held and the unit concerned was withdrawn from the Levant States at once. There is no evidence at all to support the allegation that the men carried a Swastika flag.

French troops fled Syria and Lebanon, finally, in 1946. The unrest continues...

04 June, 2012

04 June 1945

438th AAA AW BN
APO 339 % Postmaster, N.Y.
4 June, 1945      0815
Dearest darling Wilma –

I could do with a couple of nice letters from you. For some reason or other – I haven’t heard from you in 4 days. I guess the trouble must be with mail coming out of Boston at this particular time – because mail has been coming in quite regularly for the other fellows. But, I’m due for some today – for sure.

Yesterday, Sunday, was a quiet day, and just about warm enough to be comfortable. As per my usual routine this past week, I played 3 sets of tennis and then did some swimming. If I didn’t have that diversion, I don’t know what I’d do, darling. I could easily become batty in the realization of how stagnant I am and how stagnant I’m continuing to be. But when I remember that what I wanted most of all was to come thru the campaign alive and well – I feel better. The medical angle will just have to take care of itself, sweetheart. You’ll just have to marry me – rusty or no.

Last night – we went to the movies again. They are held downtown in a large place – called the Capital. The only difference from our movie houses is that – like the English – the better seats are upstairs. The officers have that reserved for them. A new picture is shown every second day – and to our surprise, last nite, Special Service put on a German movie. I don’t know where they got it, but it was an excellent musical comedy production – in technicolor – and you didn’t have to know German to enjoy it. Incidentally – we all agreed that their technicolor has Hollywood’s beat a mile. It’s just like real life and not for one moment did it seem artificial. The leading lady sang, danced, acted etc. and could easily get a job in Hollywood. But I didn’t see any possibilities for a new leading man. The music was excellent and one song in particular – given a plug in the States – would make the Hit Parade in no time.

Sweetheart – I re-read an old letter of yours last night and I came across something you’ve mentioned a few times in the past – our first meeting when I get back. You seem to worry that we’ll seem strange to one another, awkward, embarrassed. Darling – I don’t feel that way at all – and I don’t think you will – either. You aren’t and couldn’t be a stranger to me, dear – after the way I’ve gotten to know you during all this time, from your letters alone – I mean. If I hadn’t ever met you and by chance we had taken up a correspondence – I believe I could come home, take you in my arms, tell you I love you, ask you to marry me. But I do know you, and I did learn to love you before I went away. Our separation has only enhanced my love for you – sweetheart – and strangeness and embarrassment don’t enter into the question at all. Now – remember that!

By the way – a couple of the fellows are planning to marry as soon as they get back – Stan Sargent (N.H.) and his fiancée from New Haven; Hi Morley – Norwalk, Conn. and his girl from the same city; Bill Brown from Chicago and his fiancée from Bridgeport. I said that if we get back in July – it would be too hot to get married and they said “Not if you go to the Mountains”. Well – we may all meet there.

Today – we have a big inspection of all our equipment – by a team from Corps, but I don’t believe it has any significance; probably routine – just to see how much equipment was lost in combat. We lost quite a bit. But it’s a step in the right direction. I’ve got to go downstairs now and run over my property book with my Supply Sergeant. You may not know it, dear, but I’ve signed for about $50,000 worth of stuff.

So for now, sweetheart, I’ll have to say so long. I love you more and more each day, dear, if that is at all possible – and I’m going to love you even more when I get back to you. Love to the folks, regards to Mary – and

All my deepest love and affection


about Nevada Divorces

From TIME magazine, 4 June 1945, Vol. XLV, No. 23, comes this article about how the Nevada divorce law may be considered across the United States.

Legal Minds at Work. For 14 years sober-sided U.S. judges have muttered about the legality of Nevada's easy divorces. But armies of U.S. citizens went to Reno anyhow. Eventually, like the bull market of the fabulous '20s, Nevada divorce was accepted as a sound and logical American institution. Last week the crash came. The U.S. Supreme Court gave other states the right to deny Nevada's most cherished legal doctrine: that anyone spending six weeks within its borders has established a legal domicile, is thus entitled to a quick-won divorce.

The earthquake which opened this spectacular fissure under Nevada's gaudy divorce mills had its beginning in a frame store at Granite Falls, N.C. (pop. 1,873). The storekeeper, one Otis Baxter Williams, a greying, middle-aged father of four, fell in love with Mrs. Lillie Hendrix, the plump, bespectacled wife of the store's handy man. In 1940, stirred by their autumnal romance, they stole out of Granite Falls, drove west to a Las Vegas auto court, won Nevada divorces. They married and headed for home, expecting nothing but happy days.

Hell Hath No Fury. But the storekeeper's aging first wife was waiting. She also knew her North Carolina law. Shortly after they entered the state she had them arrested. A jury found them guilty of bigamous cohabitation. Reviewing the case in 1942, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed the North Carolina courts. In doing so it ruled that citizens of one state may establish a legal domicile in another state for no other reason than getting a divorce.

U.S. lawyers and newspapers hailed the ruling as proof that Nevada and Florida divorces had achieved final, legal respectability. Nevada's toiling judges, their position secured, ground out divorces for Doris Duke, Gypsy Rose Lee, Gloria Vanderbilt and thousands of other U.S. women of all stations. But the Supreme Court had left one loophole — it had not defined the term "legal domicile." A hawk-eyed North Carolina attorney general spotted it.

Jealous of his state's strait-laced divorce law, he charged that Otis Williams & wife were still living in sin. Once again they were arrested, tried, found guilty. Once more they took refuge in appeal. But last week the Supreme Court ruled against them. Said Justice Felix Frankfurter for the 6-to-3 majority: each state can determine for itself whether it will accept the divorce procedures of another, or reject them.

Muscular Prose. Dissenting justices stated their objections in muscular prose. Said Hugo La Fayette Black: "The Williamses have been convicted under a statute so uncertain in its application that not even the most learned member of the bar could have advised them in advance as to whether their conduct would violate the law. . . . [This] will cast a cloud over the lives of countless . . . divorced persons in the U.S."

All over the U.S., battalions of Nevada divorcees asked: "How will this affect me?" The minority whose divorce suits had been contested had nothing to worry about. Neither did those who had won uncontested divorce suits at which their defendant husbands or wives had been legally represented. But holders of default decrees (i.e., those whose mates had not been served with divorce papers in Nevada, or had not been legally represented at the trial) faced potential difficulties. If their former mates sued them, if their home states refused to honor Nevada's perfunctory theory of legal domicile, they might become involved in endless tangles (property settlements, wills, etc.). If they remarried, they might face bigamy charges, or find the children of their second marriages adjudged bastards. The effects of the decision might make themselves felt for years.

But other people's potential troubles were academic to hapless Otis Williams and Lillie Hendrix. Despite the fact that Williams' first wife had died, that Lillie's former husband had remarried twice, both faced penitentiary sentences.

03 June, 2012

03 June 1945

438th AAA AW BN
APO 339 % Postmaster, N.Y.
3 June, 1945      0900

My dearest sweetheart –

Chalk up another Sunday morning wasted, dear. It’s such a swell day here for making plans to spend the day with you. Of course, we could have talked it all over last night when we went to bed, but something always turns up on Sunday mornings – and it’s better to wait.

That’s the only time I really and truly get angry, darling, when I realize how time can be wasted and is being wasted. I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have you or the thought of you to console me. I love you strongly, sweetheart, and knowing you feel the same way about me – makes all the difference in the world – between going buggy – or sticking the whole damned thing out. Fortunately, the greatest part of the sticking it out is behind us.

Over here – we suddenly realized yesterday that on the 6th of June – not only was it D-Day anniversary – but also it was the 3rd anniversary of this battalion. It was activated in 1942 – with a cadre of about 50 men and 10 officers. I joined the outfit shortly afterwards - and for some time – that’s all there were of us. There are only a few of us left – the others having been transferred out, reassigned, etc. Anyway – the anniversary calls for a celebration. We had just come back from maneuvers the 1st year - and everyone was interested in getting home. Last year – we were alerted. So this is it. Besides – we haven’t had a binge for quite a spell now – so darling – will you excuse me if I get a bit drunk on Wednesday? Now – don’t worry that I’ll be like that when I get home. I won’t. I guess you know that drinking is definitely not one of my obsessions – or do you? I can truthfully say I never miss it and when I get home – you’ll see. (Hope I don’t get tight on that train ride home to Boston.) All of us have saved a bottle of Cognac apiece for New York or Boston – wherever it is we dock.

Darling – I was just interrupted – and I was quite moved. I had to say “good-bye” to the 1st soldier in my detachment to be discharged – a Sgt who is over 42. He leaves in a short time. He was an excellent soldier and I hate to see him go. There were tears in his eyes. I wished him luck and told him if he ever needed a recommendation for anything at all – not to fail to write me, in or out of the service. Gosh, sweetheart, it’s going to be tough to see this outfit break up – I’ve seen it together for so long – 35 months today, to be exact.

Meanwhile – aside from the mornings – when I’m usually fairly busy, the rest of the day is practically my own – and I’m doing my best to get into prime condition. The paradox is that a soldier gets soft in combat. He isn’t made to drill, he isn’t regimented in the ordinary sense of the word. He’s allowed to relax in every way possible when he can. So we’re all pretty soft. I’m going to keep up with the tennis and swimming as long as I can. In that respect – we’re lucky we stopped in a nice spot like Leipzig. Other troops ended the war in small towns and stayed there.

Oh, dear – they’ve come to get me. There’s a bunch of soldiers downstairs who think they’re sick - so I’ll have to go. By the way – it’s a few days now – and no mail – so I’m expecting a nice bunch – any day now. And the enclosed picture, darling – I haven’t gone native. I’m down in our swimming pool which has just been emptied, helping to sweep it out. I just happened to be around and the boys were working hard – so I peeled off my shirt and helped. Some one of the fellows came by and snapped this and gave me two of them. I sent one home.

Leipzig - Greg Cleaning Swimming Pool - June 1945

And now, sweetheart, I’ll stop. I hope all is well at home, dear; My love to the folks – and

All my deepest everlasting love,


about the 10th Mountain Division

On 8 December 1941, the Army activated its first mountain unit, the 87th Mountain Infantry Battalion (this unit was later reactivated as headquarters for the 87th Mountain Regiment) at Fort Lewis, Washington. The 87th Mountain trained on Mount Rainier's 14,408 foot peak. The National Ski Patrol took on the unique role of recruiting for the 87th Infantry Regiment and later the Division. After returning from the Kiska Campaign in the Aleutian Islands near Alaska the 87th Mountain formed the core of the new Division.

This unique organization came into being on 13 July 1943, at Camp Hale, Colorado as the 10th Light Division (Alpine). The combat power of the Division was contained in the 85th, 86th, and 87th Infantry Regiments. The Division's year training at the 9,200 foot high Camp Hale honed the skills of its soldiers to fight and survive under the most brutal mountain conditions. On 22 June 1944, the Division was shipped to Camp Swift, Texas to prepare for the Louisiana maneuvers of 1944, which were later canceled. A period of acclimation to a low altitude and hot climate was necessary to prepare for this training. On 6 November 1944, the 10th Division was re-designated the 10th Mountain Division. That same month the blue and white "Mountain" tab was authorized.

The Division entered combat on 28 January 1945 in the North Apennine Mountains of Italy. The division faced German positions arrayed along the 5 mile long Monte Belvedere-Monte della Torraccia ridge. Other divisions had attempted to assault Mount Belvedere 3 times, even holding it temporarily, but none had succeeded. To get to Mount Belvedere the Division first had to take a ridge line to the west known to the Americans as the Riva Ridge.

Riva Ridge

The Germans on Riva Ridge protected the approaches to Mount Belvedere. The assault on Riva Ridge was the task of the 1st Battalion and F Company, 2nd Battalion, 86th Mountain Infantry. After much scouting, it was decided the assault would be at night, a 1,500-vertical-assent. The Germans considered the ridge to be impossible to scale and manned it with only one battalion of mountain troops. The attack by the 86th on 18 February 1945, was a complete success and an unwelcome surprise to the Germans.

10th Mountain Division in Battle

Mount Belvedere was assaulted next. Belvedere was heavily manned and protected with minefields. Shortly after the 86th assault on the Riva Ridge, the 85th and 87th Regiments made a bayonet attack without covering artillery fire on Belvedere beginning on 19 February 1945. Again the surprise of the assault was successful and after a hard fight, the peak was captured.

Realizing the importance of the peak, the Germans made 7 counterattacks over 2 days. After the first 3 days of intense combat, the division lost 850 casualties to include 195 dead. The 10th had captured over 1,000 prisoners. The 10th was now in a position to breach the German's Apennine Mountain line, take Highway 65 and open the way to the Po Valley.

One of the major battles on March 4 involved the taking of a mountain known as MonteDella Spe. The 1st Battalion of the 85th took the mountain. Germans committed their major reserve, the 29th Panzer Grenadier Division, to the battle but, after four German counterattacks, the mountain was still in American hands. Sgt. Werner von Trapp, of the famous Trapp Family Singers of “The Sound of Music”fame, was a member of the 10th Mountain Division and was in a forward position on DellaSpe. Von Trapp could hear the enemy, just yards away, planning its assault. With Sgt.von Trapp translating the German commands, his company shifted positions each time to meet the Germans head on and stymie all 8 counterattacks.

On 14 April 1945, the final phase of the war in Italy began. With the 85th and 87th Infantry leading, the 10th Mountain Division attacked toward the Po Valley spearheading the Fifth Army drive. The fighting was fierce with the loss of 553 mountain infantryman killed, wounded, or missing in the first day.

During that attack ex-United States Senator and former presidential candidate Bob Dole, then a 21-year-old 2nd Lieutenant with the 10th, was seriously wounded. He was leading a patrol to capture a prisoner when a machine gun protected by a minefield blocked their path. Dole was hit by machine gun fire, and the two men with him were killed. Dole's injuries resulted in the nearly total loss of his right arm.

That night, the American and German units settled into defensive positions. One of the 10th Mountain men carried a guitar with him and another had a violin. They accompanied the GIs as they sang into the night. When they sang "Lili Marlene", the Germans on the other side of the hill sang along with them. Then the Germans would sing a song and the guitar and violin would try to accompany them. The next morning, the two sides got up and started killing each other again.

Guitar Player of the 10th Mountain Division

Early on 20 April 1945, the seventh day of the attack, the first units of the 85th Infantry broke out into Po Valley. Five days of attack had cost 1,283 casualties. With the German's mountain line broken, the next objective was to cross the Po River. On the morning of 23 April 1945, the 10th was the first division to reach the Po River. The first battalion of the 87th Mountain Infantry, the original mountain infantry unit, made the crossing under fire in 50 light canvas assault boats.

The final combat for the 10th Division took place in the vicinity of Lake Garda, a canyon lake at the foothills of the Alps. On 27 April 1945, the first troops reached the south end of the lake, cutting off the German Army's main escape route to the Brenner Pass. The drive was delayed by destroyed tunnels and road blocks. Using amphibious DUKWs, these obstacles were bypassed and the towns of Riva and Tarbole at the head of the lake were captured.

Organized resistance in Italy ended on 2 May 1945. The 10th had completely destroyed 5 elite German divisions. In 114 days of combat, the 10th Division had suffered casualties of 992 killed in action and 4,154 wounded.

On 3 June 1945, on the crusty summer snows covering the steep slopes of 8,927-foot Mt. Mangart, where the borders of Italy, Austria and the former Yugoslavia come together, the 10th's best skiers challenged each other. 1st Sergeant Walter Prager, the Dartmouth ski coach, won. It seemed a fitting way not only to end the war but to begin the peace.

A racer on Mount Mangart

Veterans of the 10th Mountain Division were in a large part responsible for the development of skiing into a big name sport and popular vacation industry after World War II. Ex-soldiers from the 10th laid out ski hills, built ski lodges, designed ski lifts and improved ski equipment. They started ski magazines and opened ski schools. Vail, Aspen, Sugarbush, Crystal Mountain, and Whiteface Mountain were but a few of the ski resorts built by 10th Mountain veterans.

[NOTE: The pictures here were copied from Brian Kealy's Lecture at the Imperial War Museum in London in March of 2011, but can no longer be seen there.]