31 May, 2012

31 May 1945

438th AAA AW BN
APO 339 % Postmaster, N.Y.
31 May, 1945      0820

My dearest sweetheart –

In case you haven’t already noticed, our APO had been changed to 339 – the Ninth Army number. There’s not much significance to the change – as I see it. The First Army headquarters is no longer in Europe so we had to give up our First Army APO. But our attachment to the Ninth – is administrative only, and when the time comes I’m pretty certain that this outfit and this corps will be right back with the First Army – the best Army of them all. With this change, by the way, dear – this outfit has had something like two dozen APO numbers. For one reason or another we seem to have been attached to more outfits than you can shake a stick at. Don’t forget that for a while in England and in Normandy, our APO was 403 – and that, dear, is the Third Army APO.

Well – we finally got a rainy day here – and it’s quite refreshing. I guess this section of Germany needed it, too, if the crops were to get going.

We had a short, but very impressive ceremony for Memorial Day yesterday, darling. We held it out front and had a group down from each of the batteries. A symbolic casket was made and covered with the American Flag. Flowers were all around it. Our executive officer made a speech and then the chaplain spoke – honoring the dead of past wars and particularly those of our own battalion. Then he called out the separate batteries and as he did – one soldier from that battery came forward, knelt, picked up a wreath and waited while the Chaplain spoke out the names of the dead of that battery. Then the wreath was placed on the “casket”. It was all very well done and left a good impression on everyone.

I still have a few of your letters dear – as yet unanswered. I’ve just re-read one of them written 19 March. I mention that one particularly because in it you tell me your reaction to what I had written you – about going into business. When I wrote that, sweetheart – I can’t say honestly that I was purely kidding, although by no means was I entirely serious. I suppose I wrote it when I was particularly blue, fed up with the Army – and what not. But I have become terrifically rusty as a physician, darling, although I’ve been managing to read my medical journals which still come to me. They help a lot in keeping my medical vocabulary from becoming entirely extinct.


Sorry, dear. I was called away and I’ve just got back. Looks like a busy day coming up – but nothing especially important. I see that the barometer on my desk has climbed since I left – which means the weather ought to clear up later today.

Hell – we haven’t had a decent rumor in 2 or 3 days now. The question of points has died down in the discussions – and now the subject of when we get home leads them all. Most seem to think it will be sometime in July – which seems like a pretty good guess. It’s a sure bet the First Army won’t do a thing without 7th Corps.

Well, sweetheart, it’s a sure thing anyway – that one of these very fine days I will actually be on my way home to show you how much I love and want you. Tomorrow is June, it can’t be very far off now! I’ll have to stop now, dear, but keep thinking over and over again that I love only you and waiting perhaps won’t be so difficult.

Love to the folks – sweetheart
All my deepest love –


about Deciding to Use the Atomic Bomb

From the Notes of the Interim Committee Meeting, 31 May 1945 comes this section titled "EFFECT OF THE BOMBING ON THE JAPANESE AND THEIR WILL TO FIGHT", written before the bomb was tested, and continuing to demonstrate that its effects were under-estimated...

It was pointed out that one atomic bomb on an arsenal would not be much different from the effect caused by any Air Corps strike of present dimensions. However, Dr. [Robert] Oppenheimer [lead scientist on the atomic bomb project] stated that the visual effect of an atomic bombing would be tremendous. It would be accompanied by a brilliant luminescence which would rise to a height of 10,000 to 20,000 feet. The neutron effect of the explosion would be dangerous to life for a radius of at least two-thirds of a mile.

After much discussion concerning various types of targets and the effects to be produced, the Secretary [i.e., Secretary of War Henry Stimson] expressed the conclusion, on which there was general agreement, that we could not give the Japanese any warning; that we could not concentrate on a civilian area; but that we should seek to make a profound psychological impression on as many of the inhabitants as possible. At the suggestion of Dr. [James B.] Conant [Director of the National Defense Research Committee] the Secretary agreed that the most desirable target would be a vital war plant employing a large number of workers and closely surrounded by workers’ houses.

There was some discussion of the desirability of attempting several strikes at the same time. Dr. Oppenheimer’s judgment was that several strikes would be feasible. General [Leslie R.] Groves [military director of the project], however, expressed doubt about this proposal and pointed out the following objections: (1) We would lose the advantage of gaining additional knowledge concerning the weapon at each successive bombing; (2) such a program would require a rush job on the part of those assembling the bombs and might, therefore, be ineffective; (3) the effect would not be sufficiently distinct from our regular Air Force bombing program.

30 May, 2012

30 May 1945

438th AAA AW BN
APO 230 % Postmaster, N.Y.
30 May, 1945      0820

Wilma, darling –

When I wrote yesterday that today makes 3 yrs. Away from Boston – if I did write that – I was wrong of course. I meant merely that it was the 3rd Memorial Day – and that’s long enough. Here at Battalion we’re going to have our own Memorial Services at 1600. I believe the whole Army is doing the same. It will be to honor and remember the boys of this battalion who were killed in action.

Yesterday I had a pleasant afternoon. We “found” some tennis racquets and balls and played some tennis! They have a beautiful Sport Club – private – near here and they keep their courts in excellent condition. I was pretty rusty – but so was the other fellow and I got a good work-out. Then we came back here and had a nice swim. Furthermore – we learned yesterday that there was a golf course not far from here – open to the Military. If we can get some golf balls – we’re all set. I might as well take up where I left off, darling. By the time I get back – I’ll be all set in several sports – and at home, as I’ve told you before, dear, I’m planning on taking up wrestling. Now – don’t be frightened!

I got 3 V-mails yesterday – one from Stan in Washington, and 2 from you – 17 and 21 May. The service has definitely picked up in this direction. I hope the reverse is true. A funny thing about your writing me your telephone number, darling, is that I was thinking about it one day – and for the life of me – I couldn’t think of the exchange. I finally had to look it up. I ought to be ashamed of myself. And I haven’t forgotten the Holyoke number – because I had that written down too.

Stan had little to say in his letter except that Bernie Covich had been down to visit him and was now on his way to Dutch Harbor. As I remember it, he had been on sick leave – wasn’t it, dear? Just what was the matter with him?

I don’t remember whether I’ve already told you – but I certainly laughed when I read about Mother A. worrying already about my coming home in July and not having any place for me. If that isn’t like my mother, I don’t know what is. Of course – I could always pitch my pup tent anywhere; I’m really pretty good at that – having had a fair amount of experience. But if your offer to stay at your house, darling, still holds, – well I hope I get home in July so that I can take advantage of it. But then people would talk – and you’d just have to marry me. Oh Boy !!

I did enjoy Bennet Serf’s “Try and Stop Me”. I read it some time ago – one of the boys who used to proof-read for a publishing house, had it sent to him. I never did quite finish it – we started to move swiftly then – but it certainly was packed with a lot of laughs.

Well darling – so many words already this morning and I didn’t tell you yet that I love you and you alone! I do, sweetheart – so very very much I can hardly wait to see you and tell you about it. These next weeks – maybe months – are going to be really tough waiting out, but heck, the war is over here, and I am coming back – and that’s so much more than I had to look forward to even a month ago. So hold tight, darling and we’ll soon be together. For now, so long and love to the folks.

Yours alone for always, dear –


about Yamamoto Loses in Burma

The below maps show Burma in 1945 and Myanmar today.
As Burma's name was changed to Myanmar, so have city names changed.

[Click to enlarge]


From the WWII Database website comes this Battle of Rangoon Timeline:

2 Apr 1945  Louis Mountbatten announced that the planning for Operation Dracula against Rangoon, Burma was to be resumed, with a target execution date of 5 May 1945 at the latest.
11 Apr 1945 Anglo-Indian troops captured Pyabwe, Burma at dawn; 2,000 dead Japanese bodies were counted in the region after the fierce battle. To the southwest, mechanized Anglo-Indian troops reached the Taungdwingyi area.
14 Apr 1945 Anglo-Indian troops captured Taungdwingyi, Burma.
16 Apr 1945 Indian 5th Division captured Shwemyo, Burma during the day, while by nightfall the Anglo-Indian 4th Corps reached within 240 miles of Rangoon.
21 Apr 1945 Louis Mountbatten scheduled Operation Dracula against Rangoon, Burma for 2 May 1945. William Slim hastened his units overland toward Rangoon in an attempt to reach Rangoon before Dracula commenced.
22 Apr 1945 In Burma, Indian 7th Division attacked Yenangyaung while Indian 5th Division attacked Toungoo.
23 Apr 1945 The 150 officers and 3,000 men of the 1st Division of the Indian National Army, an anti-British resistance group aided by the Japanese, surrendered to the Allies at Pyu, Burma. Meanwhile, Lieutenant General Heitaro Kimura, despite having been given orders of defend Rangoon, Burma to the death, ignominiously abandoned the city without issuing any orders to the Burma Area army.
24 Apr 1945 Indian 5th Division captured Toungoo, Burma and advanced further to Penwegu.
26 Apr 1945 Indian 17th Division reached Daiku, Burma.
27 Apr 1945  The British East Indies Fleet sailed from Trincomalee, Ceylon to begin a series of strikes prior to the capture of Rangoon, Burma; this force of battleships, cruisers and destroyers would take it in turns to fuel and then screen the carriers hitting airfields, installations and coastal shipping in the Nicobars, the Andamans and along the Burma coast. Meanwhile, on land, Indian 17th Division was attacked by a Japanese suicide offensive north of Pegu; it was repulsed after the Japanese suffered 500 killed.
28 Apr 1945  Anglo-Indian troops captured Allanmyo, Burma. Elsewhere, Indian 17th Division reached the heavily-defended Pegu, where the Japanese built the final major stronghold north of Rangoon, which was 47 miles to the south.
29 Apr 1945 The two-prong assault by Indian 17th Division on Pegu, Burma was repulsed.
30 Apr 1945  Anglo-Indian forces gained a beachhead on the west bank of the Pegu River at Pegu, Burma.
1 May 1945  Indian 50th Parachute Regiment was dropped near Rangoon, Burma as the spearhead to Operation Dracula. Meanwhile, determined to preempt Operation Dracula in the conquest of Rangoon, William Slim carelessly attempted to enter the city himself by air; his aircraft was damaged by Japanese anti-aircraft fire and the American pilot, Captain Robert Fullerton, sustained injuries in his leg so severe that it had to be amputated later.
2 May 1945  In Burma, Indian 26th Division of the Anglo-Indian XV Corps made an amphibious landing near Rangoon, Burma. To the north, Indian 17th Division secured Pegu and advanced toward Rangoon; it would not beat Indian 26th Division in the race for Rangoon.
3 May 1945 Rangoon, Burma was captured by Indian 26th Division with little resistance. Fleeing Japanese were slaughtered not just by British and Commonwealth troops but by Burmese guerrillas and tribesmen who rose up against their former occupiers.
6 May 1945 In Burma, Anglo-Indian XV Corps linked up with IV Corps, which had been advancing down the Sittang River, and effectively cut off 20,000 sick, hungry and increasingly desperate Japanese from their bases in Indo-China.

30 May 1945

The remainder of General Seiei Yamamoto's troops in Burma was effectively wiped out.

29 May, 2012

29 May 1945

438th AAA AW BN
APO 230 % Postmaster, N.Y.
29 May, 1945      0820

My darling fianceĆ© –

It’s a start of a warm day here today and I’ll bet the weather at home must be swell about now. It usually is around Memorial Day time. Tomorrow will make the third one away from Boston, because 3 years ago we were on a train out of South Carolina and heading for Camp Edwards. I’d like to be heading for there right now. It will be nice if we get to Edwards or Devens rather than to one of the New York camps. I’ll have you in my arms that much sooner, darling. I saw “Brewster’s Millions” the other night (it smelled, I thought), but at the start of the picture – a soldier gets home after a couple of years overseas. I watched the scene of his homecoming very carefully – because it’s what I’m going to do one of these days – not that I need any coaching, dear. Did you see the picture? There’s no getting away from it – that will be a tense moment – but I’m sure we’ll all master it without difficulty – and then we’ll talk and ask each other a bunch of foolish questions – that have no bearing on anything at all. It probably won’t be until the next day that we can sit down, look each other into the eye and realize that we’re together again. That’s the time I’m looking forward to, darling. Don’t get me wrong when I say “foolish questions”; I don’t mean that – or that you and I will necessarily ask them. I mean questions like “I’ll bet you didn’t have any dinner yet”; or “Was it a rough ocean crossing”; or “I’ll bet you’re tired from carrying that bag”. All solicitous and kind, sweetheart – and human, too – but it will take several hours for us to realize what we’ve wanted to realize for so long – and then we’ll talk as we’ve wanted to talk. Anyway, darling, that’s the way I see it now – and it may be entirely different. I don’t care how it is; all I know is that when I finally lay my eyes upon you and I know that I’m back – even for a little while, I’ll be the happiest guy in the world.

We played Bridge last night – and the Chaplain and I won again. We seem to hit it off as partners pretty well. He’s a keen player. I fouled up a couple of hands – but we managed two bids and made one grand and 2 small slams. Someday I ought to read up on the stuff. I started playing by watching at first. I ought to begin to learn some of the fine points.

It was funny – your dreaming of my things in Liverpool and Wilma Too etc – as you wrote me in a recent letter. And you piloting the plane! It was all due to that late ice-cream at St. Clair’s – I’m sure. About our trunks in Liverpool – we heard recently that all of them are in Soissons, France – and I think arrangements are begin made to have them picked up. I’ve nothing in mine except some khaki trousers and shirts – which we don’t wear here – anyway.

And by the way – thank Shirley G. for the note – and what in the world is a rum-butter coke?

Have to leave you now, sweetheart. I’m arranging for the showing of a Sex film – so called – to the Bn. Oh yes – fraternization or non-frat. – the V.D. problem is a major one here. The Sex Film shows the boys the horrors etc.

Darling, I love you more and more! When am I finally going to be able to show you!!

Love to the folks –
All my sincerest love –


about Moscrip Miller's Favorite War Story

Moscrip Miller
LOOK War Correspondent

The following, written by Moscrip Miller and published in LOOK magazine on 29 May 1945 with the title "My Favorite War Story".

It was on my way back from China that I heard my favorite story of the war. Several of General Chennault's fighter pilots going home on the rotation plan were shooting the breeze. Lt. Col. EdwardD. McComas, an old-time Chennault ace at 26 and commanding officer of the Black Lightning Squadron, was talking with pride of "his boys." Here is the story:

Twenty-one-year-old Capt. John E. Meyer of Birmingham, Ala., with four Jap planes to his credit, was leading a flight of P-51's in a raid on Jap shipping at Kurkiang. The ack-ack was heavy as the planes, flying in formation, dropped their bombs on the target with pin-point precision, then swung around in a sharp bank to go back and finish off the job with low-level strafing.

It was on the steeply-banked turn that a 40-mm shell hit the nose of Meyer's ship, exploding on impact and blinding the young pilot with shattered glass. Miraculously, he was not killed - but his plane was falling out of control as he called calmly over the inter-plane radio, "I'm out of it, boys. That hit blinded me. Polish off the - - - - for me."

But Meyer's wingman, Lt. John F. Egan, also just 21, from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., had other ideas. Sizing up the situation at a glance, he called to Meyer, the only casualty of this bomb run, to follow his instructions.

As Egan gave the orders by radio, the blinded Meyer, responding almost automatically, pulled back on the stick while bringing his left wing up, and leveled off the falling plane. But then the blind pilot faced a new threat - from a flight of Jap Tojos and Oscars coming in to finish off the obviously crippled plane.

The alert Egan saw them and called a warning. He had Meyer continue on course, but the other planes of his flight rallied around the crippled ship, as if they were running interference in a football game. The other Japs hesitated, in spite of their numerical advantage, and that hesitation saved Meyer again.

Egan was now flying side by side with his blinded pal, keeping up a steady stream of conversation over the inter-plane radio.

"How you doing, Stinky? This ought to be a cinch for you. You always were good at blind flying, and this is it - but good! More right rudder, there. Nose down a bit. You're doing fine. Only another half hour and we'll be home." It was a one-sided conversation. Meyer was too weak from loss of blood, too shaken to do more than just follow the instructions that kept ringing in his ears. Egan's voice was serving as his eyes.

Then, suddenly, he heard Egan talking to the control tower at the home field. They were going to land. The realization roused Meyer.

Once around the field with half flaps into the wind. Egan was calling out the air speed and altimeter readings as he flew alongside Meyer. Then the ground came up gently to meet the approaching planes. Egan had guided the sightless pilot squarely onto the runway.

John Meyer crouches on the wing of "Stinky, Jr.,"
a P-51, 118th T.R.S.

Warned in advance by the control tower, medics were waiting for Meyer. Eventually, he would regain his sight. But two days later, while Meyer was resting in a hospital, Jack Egan was lost over Hong Kong.

28 May, 2012

28 May 1945

438th AAA AW BN
APO 230 % Postmaster, N.Y.
28May, 1945      0810

My dearest sweetheart –

Yesterday, the 27th – I actually received a letter from you postmarked the 19th and that was really something. Apparently you’re not getting anywhere near the same service in you direction, although you may be, by now.

I was glad to read you got the package containing the scarf. I bought it when I was in Paris. I also got some perfume for Mother A, B and Ruth – but there’s been no mention of that arriving – as yet. The Star of David interested me also. I found it in an obscure corner of the big place when we were on the Rhine. I don’t know what it was doing in that house. As far as we knew, the Count was a Nazi. I tried to contact him to find out about it, but I never could. Anyway, coming out of Nazi Germany, I found something symbolic in it and thought I’d save it. I guess you’re right about the furnishings. I don’t know, dear, where you’re putting all the stuff – but I’ll bet we’ve got a bunch of it. It’ll be fun sitting down and telling you about where I got this or that, just as I anticipate telling you all about the snapshots I’ve sent back. Seems to me you ought to have quite a bunch of them by now. It’ll take months for me to tell you all about them – but heck, we’re going to be together for a long, long time.

Yes, yes – you made me kind of jealous mentioning Stan Berns and his fianceĆ©’s doing a little loving – although I don’t think it’s quite the best taste to go visiting and bill, coo and neck all over the place. Nevertheless – I’d sure love to do a little of that with you. Boy – have we got a lot to make up for! You mention that if they asked your advice – you’d say to get married soon and that you wouldn’t waste another opportunity and then you go on and wonder whether you would or not. Well, darling, as far as I’m concerned – I’m thru wondering. I’ve changed from the man I was when I left. You want to know what the advantage would be if we had to be separated again. Well – to that, I’ll ask – ‘What would be the advantage of just being engaged?’ The way I feel now, darling – so long as we’re certain we love each other and want no one else in the world – we ought to be married, be man and wife and have the satisfaction of knowing that in fact – we belong to each other. Even if I have to go to the Pacific – that war is going to fold up soon. Wait and see. And with what we read in the Stars and Stripes about 14 or 15,000 MC’s in the States are going overseas – I think I may have a good chance of staying put once I get back. Of course we’ll have to wait and ‘talk things over’ – but I’m just giving you fair warning what I’m going to talk about!

Yesterday, Sunday, was a quiet enough day. It continues cool and we’re missing out on some swimming – but it will probably warm up soon enough. They’re starting to give out passes to Paris and Brussels again – but it’s almost not worth it for 3 days. They’ll soon be giving Leaves, too, to England and the Riviera. I might be interested in that. I guess the Army is doing its best to help kill the time – but nothing will really help, sweetheart, until I can get home, tell you and show you how much I love you – marry you – and – what the heck – that’s a good place to stop – isn’t it, dear?

Love to the folks – and to you, darling.

All my everlasting love and devotion


about Bill Leahy and the Seventh War Loan Drive

The war bond campaign was a unique fusion of nationalism and consumerism. Seeking to stir the conscience of Americans, it invoked both their financial and moral stake in the war. The sale of war bonds provided a way in which patriotic attitudes and the spirit of sacrifice could be expressed, and became the primary way those on the home-front contributed to the national defense and war effort. One observer noted, "It was a program that instead of seeking to eradicate differences...would make them a source of strength and unity by finding a common cause in which all could work for the financial security of themselves and of their country." While the initial goal of the war bond campaign was to finance the war, the positive impact on the morale of home-front Americans was perhaps its greatest accomplishment.

Elaborate plans were made for the Seventh War Loan Drive. Nationally planned special promotional events far surpassed those planned for any other bond drive, and the Office of War Information pledged 50% of all available radio time to advertisement of the Seventh Loan. An additional $19.1 million was contributed to advertising in support of the drive, and the combined estimate surpassed $42 million in free advertising. Beginning on May 14, 1945, just a few days after V-E Day, some officials feared the goal of $14 billion would not be reached if Americans believed the surrender of Germany made full subscription unnecessary. These fears proved unfounded, as the individual sales goal of $7 billion - the highest of any war bond drive - was surpassed by $1.6 billion. The final tally recorded sales of over $26 billion dollars during the six weeks of the Seventh War Loan drive.

From TIME magazine, 28 May, 1945, Vol. XLV, No. 22  comes this article with the title "US at War: For a United People". It tells of Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy, Presidential Chief of Staff, and the Seventh War Loan Drive.

Your sons, husbands and brothers who are standing today upon the battlefronts are fighting for more than victory in war. They are fighting for a new world of freedom and peace. We, upon whom has been placed the responsibility of leading the American forces, appeal to you with all possible earnestness to invest in War Bonds to the fullest extent of your capacity. Give us not only the needed implements of war, but the assurance and backing of a united people so necessary to hasten the victory and speed the return of your fighting men.

This appeal, being given the widest publicity, (3,000 magazines with a combined circulation of 175,000,000 are printing it in one form or another) came from the nation's five-star admirals and generals—Marshall, Eisenhower, MacArthur, Arnold, King, Nimitz and Leahy. They knew, as well as anyone, that the Seventh War Loandrive was primarily a campaign against inflation. But support by the public would also demonstrate the nation's will to see the conflict through. To the leaders of the armed forces this was important. They anticipated the anguish which would arise when the people, now celebrating a victory, came face to face with new griefs and separations. They also knew, as military men, the importance of giving the last enemy no rest, or time to entrench himself against the final onslaught. Delay would raise the cost in American lives.

In its various ways last week the public got behind the drive. In Chicago Musi-comedienne June Havoc auctioned off two pairs of nylons at $1,300 worth of bonds a pair. The three survivors of the six-man detail which posed for the famed flag-raising picture on Iwo Jima — Pfc. Rene Gagnon, Pfc. Ira Hayes and Pharmacist's Mate John Bradley — rode through the rain to inspire the cheering citizens of Boston. In Tampa, a 75-mm. cannon boomed hourly from Plant Park. In Indianapolis, Mayor Robert Tyndall gave "the order of the day": Over the top. Indianapolis. Cheyenne County, Wyo. held "pie socials." Funnyman S. J. Perelman and Author John Roy (Under Cover) Carlson exhorted the people of Pittsburgh. Troops simulated airborne attacks on Chicago. In The Bronx, bond-buyers were allowed to ring a replica of the Liberty Bell. In Manhattan, buyers were permitted to eat their way through a five-layer, six-foot-high cake, or take a trip through a model aircraft carrier.

The "Mighty 7th" War Loan drive, with the highest goal yet for sales to individuals, got off to a better start than any drive so far. In the first week 23% of the "little man's" $7 billion quota was subscribed. The rest would come harder — when enthusiasm had cooled.

Of the five-star military leaders who had signed the appeal to the public, none understood the critical need better than the man who bears the expansive title of Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief of the U.S. Army & Navy. And yet, among the seven signers, Fleet Admiral William Daniel Leahy is the least known.

Fifty-two years in the Navy shaped the thinking of Bill Leahy, born on a farm near Hampton, Iowa. As a midshipman at Annapolis he sailed aboard the leaky, century-old frigate Constellation. As an ensign, he was a member of the crew that took the Oregon racing around the Horn and bellowing into Santiago Harbor. In 1937, by appointment of his old friend Roosevelt, Leahy became the Navy's top dog — Chief of Naval Operations. The Chippewa Indians made him an honorary member of their tribe — "Great Man Sailing Around."

Leahy knows that victory over Japan is certain now, unless the determination of the people slackens. His prayer at the end of a long career is the same prayer he had in 1938: that the military leaders will continue to get implements they need and "the assurance and backing of a united people."

27 May, 2012

27 May 1945

438th AAA AW BN
APO 230 % Postmaster, N.Y.
27 May, 1945      1125

My dearest darling Wilma –

I’m a little late in writing this morning – for 2 or 3 reasons – but I’ve just returned to my room and I should be undisturbed until lunchtime, anyway.

When I got back from visiting Dog battery yesterday p.m. I found the swellest bunch of mail in a long while. There were 3 from you – the 8th, 13, 14 of May. One was a sort of sad one – but I liked it just the same. You apologized for having missed writing me a day or two before. Hell, girl – I understand and you don’t have to mention it, dear. I’ve often wondered how you’ve managed to do so well. And that’s fiddle-sticks about my letters being more interesting. If they are for you – that’s good, but don’t forget, your letters are that way for me. Remember also that where a married woman, Nin for example, can’t find enough to write to her husband – the circumstances are vastly different. Not only are we not married, (yet) we didn’t even have a long courtship. So every letter I get from you, sweetheart, helps me explore you, know you better – regardless of what you think about the letter. I hope my letters do the same for you.

I also heard from Mom B. – a sweet letter thanking me for the flowers. I’ll write her soon and please make sure that she understands she doesn’t have to answer every time I write. There were letters from Sgt. Freeman, Dad A, Steve and Barb Tucker. The letter acknowledged the receipt of a check I sent her for flowers for Mrs. Tucker. I was going to do the ordering myself – thru Salem – and when the time came – I couldn’t for the life of me remember the florist – So Barbara handled it for me – thru Schenectady, no less.

I was glad to read you had had a nice evening out at my house – the night the Rabbi was over. Dad A had written about it and said he thought everyone had a nice evening. The Rabbi is an interesting man. I really don’t know him too well. I met him in Salem, belonged to the Synagogue – but I wasn’t very active. Then he ran into Dad A. in Dorchester and got my address and wrote me. I’ve always answered. I think Salem lost a good man.

In your letter of 14 May, darling, you still hadn’t heard from me in May and you were so anxious to receive a VE day letter. It’s not very long ago – but honestly I don’t remember just what I wrote – but I think you’ll agree I write a bit differently now. I somehow was afraid to wish for too much while the war was on; I was afraid of the consequences in case I got hit. It affected all of us – and I was no exception. If I never let you or the family suspect that, I’m very happy. But with war’s end – I felt free, I felt I could tell you and ask you more. I want to marry you, darling, and the sooner the better. It’s a damned important thing – marriage – and in our case – there’s a lot of room for discussion. Grammy B. was cute in her suggestion, too. I wonder how the consensus of opinion at home runs – anyway. Give me an idea, will you darling, so I can begin sharpening up on the arguments.

Well, honey, I’ve got to go eat or I won’t get anything. I’m enclosing some more photos. Some of them that I’ll be sending the next few days will be rather old. I came across a couple of rolls that I didn’t know I had – one from Paris, the other along the Rhine. Say – how’s that Scrapbook – and am I sending you too many pictures?

All for now, dear. Love to the folks. I love you, sweetheart, and never, never forget that.

All my deepest and sweetest love –


about News of the Japanese-Chinese Conflict

On 27 May 1945 Nationalist Chinese troops won an important victory in southern China by capturing the city of Nanning, the capital city of the Kwangsi Province. The loss meant that the 200,000 Japanese troops in Burma, Thailand, Indochina, and Malaya were cut off from the Japanese Army in China. The following article, titled "Chihkiang Loss is Blow to Japanese Hopes", headlined the Hump Express (Vol. 1, No. 21), published by the India China Division, Air Transport Command on 7 June 1945.

Hq., United States Chinese Combat Command, China - Ragged, war-weary troops of the Chinese armies have successfully overcome the Japanese threat to the forward airbase and town of Chihkiang.

For the first time the Japanese have been denied an important objective. They had been willing to commit a large force to the taking of this area, and they failed. Many military observers believe this may mark a turning point of Jap conquest in China. Not only did the Allied soldiers hold the enemy at Chihkiang, stopping them and turning the attack into a rout; Chinese troops have also entered Nanning, important point on that vital Japanese routes of supply and scene of a former 14th AAF airbase.

Troops Flown In

Although credit for the victory must go to the hard-pressed local Chinese troops, the defensive action (and the resultant offense) would not have been possible without the reserve support of the 14th and 22nd Divisions of the Chinese New Sixth Army. This complete army, including military supplies, rations, ammunition, mules, horses and other equipment, was transported to the combat zone by planes of ICD (Intercontinental Division) under the direction of the China wing, marking the first airborne transport of an entire army in world history.

Seasoned troops of the Chinese New Sixth Army
wait at Chanyi Airfield to be airlifted to Chihchiang.

Operating into Chihkiang when the Japanese snipers were at the very edge of the airstrip, (one fighter pilot was shot while he sat in front of the alert shack) flight crews seldom left the planes. Upon landing the planes were met by servicing units for refueling while the troops and equipment were off-loaded and then deployed immediately to strategic points. While the planes roared in and out, American advisors, liaison personnel and technical units (including hospitals) were working in the forward lines, assisting the Chinese in the operations.

Nanning is Vital

The Chihkiang campaign is one of the best examples of Chinese-American coordinated operation since the Stilwell Road action by the same Chinese 6th Army that was flown to reserve positions in this recent battle. (Composed of General Chiang Kai-shek's prize troops, the 6th Army is advised, led and tutored by units of the Chinese Combat Command which teach the troops the usage of American equipment in the field.)

The recapture of the vital city of Nanning, approximately 330 miles west of Canton and 80 miles north of the Gulf of Tonkin, is regarded as important for three reasons. It is a terminal point for traffic westward of the West (Yu) River from Canton and Hong Kong; it is a junction point on the main road connecting Jap-held French Indo-China and Japanese forces in central China, and before its capture by the Nips, it was an important 14th AAF base.

Nanning, in south central Kwangsi province, was entered on Saturday by a strong Chinese force, attacking from the north, and by eight o'clock Sunday morning was completely in Chinese hands. The Japanese withdrew in two columns, one moving northward, the other to the southwest.

26 May, 2012

26 May 1945


438th AAA AW BN
APO 230 % Postmaster, N.Y.
26 May, 1945      0820
Leipzig, Germany

Dearest sweetheart –

It’s a big day coming up and I have to resort to this. I’ve got to inspect a couple of the batteries and I’ll have to keep hopping most of the day. Got two swell letters from you yesterday, darling – 15, 16 May – but before I discuss them I want to take up a little matter you mentioned in a previous letter – ahem – so I used to be a “smoothie” – huh? And all the girls “used to want to meet” me, dear? What did you think about that? I had no idea that my “past” would haunt me, sweetheart, but of course you know I’m strictly a one-woman guy. Gee, dear, I’ll do my best not to waiver – but you know how it is when the girls go chasin’ you. I had so hoped, too, that I had finally slipped away from them. Well – don’t worry, darling. I’m in love with you and I’m yours alone. I really laughed when I read that, though. I don’t know where that gal got her info – but as far as I can remember – she’s off the beam! All for now, dear, but remember I love you ever and ever so much and I always will. Love to the folks –

All my deepest love –


about The Question of Russian Relations

Despite the sudden death of President Roosevelt in early April, the United Nations Conference on International Organization convened in San Francisco as scheduled. The conference ran from 25 April 1945 until 26 June 1945. President Roosevelt had been working on his speech to the conference before he died. That never-delivered address contains the often-quoted words:

The work, my friends, is peace; more than an end of this war—an end to the beginning of all wars; … as we go forward toward the greatest contribution that any generation of human beings can make in this world—the contribution of lasting peace—I ask you to keep up your faith…."

China, the USSR, the UK, and the US acted as the sponsoring powers, and 46 other states participated, comprising all those that had signed the Declaration by United Nations of 1 January 1942 or had declared war on the Axis powers by March 1945. The huge conference was attended by 282 delegates and 1,444 other officially accredited persons from those 50 countries and by representatives of scores of private organizations interested in world affairs (50 from the US alone). The daily output of documents averaged half a million pages.

From the Crooks & Liars web site comes this article written by "Gordonskene".

On 26 May 1945 the San Francisco Peace conference was laying the groundwork for what would become the United Nations Charter. With war still going on in the Pacific, delegates from Europe, the Middle East, Africa and South America met to establish a means of working together as a Post-War world was coming into view.

But even then, even as the war was continuing, suspicions were raised over the future relationship between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Was all this euphoria going to last? Some didn't think so. And even Assistant Secretary of State Archibald MacLeish made mention of it in this broadcast, part of a radio series devoted to the San Francisco Conference and our Foreign Policy.

Archibald MacLeish (1892-1982)
Statesman, Lawyer, Playwright, Poet, Librarian of Congress

Archibald MacLeish (Asst. Sec. of State):

Political events in Europe are regarded in some quarters not only as denying the promise of San Francisco but as qualifying the hope that the continuing collaboration between the great powers, upon which San Francisco is based, can continue. Certain commentators have even spoken openly of an inevitable conflict of interest between the Russians and ourselves, and have debated the question whether Russia, our present ally in this war, is our enemy or our friend. A curious debate, one would think, with our soldiers living side by side in conquered Germany and our common dead but freshly buried.

Interesting when you consider the Cold War became a reality not that long after these suspicions were cast. Interesting too, when you consider many members of the State Department at the time, including Alger Hiss, were hounded out of the State Department and labeled Communist operatives, triggering the Witch Hunts and Red Scare that permeated our National psyche for the better part of four decades.

But it all started out so optimistically.

25 May, 2012

25 May 1945

438th AAA AW BN
APO 230 % Postmaster, N.Y.
25 May, 1945      0820
Leipzig, Germany

Good morning, sweetheart!

Actually – we haven’t had a decent morning – or day – in 5 or 6 days. The weather here, in fact, seems to be just about as unstable as that in New England. Yesterday I had to dig out my sweater from my duffel bag – all my heavy jackets being at the cleansers. We get excellent laundry, cleansing and tailoring service, by the way, dear – and it’s a far cry from our experiences of the past year. Even in England – we didn’t do so well, but as I see it now, England had very little else at heart except to win the war, and with all their faults, you’ve got to hand it to the English. They really took a beating – and I don’t mean by bombing etc. You’d have to live in England a few months to be able to see it – and the contrast with what we see here in Germany makes it all the more apparent. These bastardly Germans are even now wearing the smartest clothes I’ve seen since leaving the U.S. – men, women, children – and not only here – but everywhere we’ve been. And the women wear silk stockings, too – very few being bare-legged. Furthermore – it’s easy to see that they’ve eaten well, too.

The English were shabby in every sense of the word. They couldn’t get new clothes. Everywhere you went – the stuff you saw was obviously old and worn – and it was impossible to get enough to eat of even so simple a thing as bread.

Well, well – excuse me for the diversion, sweetheart. I’ll tell you all about such things when we’re together again and I don’t have to waste space writing about it. But heck, dear, you don’t want me to tell you I love you – on every line, do you? Well – I love you, darling – and on every line, every page, every where – and all the time. That’s quite inclusive I think – and if you have any question whatsoever – you can find the answer right there, dear.

I laughed in reading your letter of 10 May when you wrote you were trying not to be excited about the prospects of my coming home soon. As a matter of fact – you say you are calm and taking things as they come. Well – darling – I don’t believe you – because if you’re as keyed up as I am about it – you just can’t remain calm – and I’m usually pretty steady. And I’ll try not to surprise you, sweetheart – although I don’t know how a fellow can help it. He finally gets on a boat and stops writing – but he probably arrives home before the break in the letters comes and all he can do is call up and say he’s back. However – when I’m pretty darn sure I’m leaving Europe for home and you – I’ll tell you. Then if we stay in port for enough time – perhaps my letter will reach you before I do. I’m writing as if it would happen any day – although there are no prospects in view right now that I know of.

And do you aim to leave R.C. when you hear I’m coming back? Good! You also said “and stuff” – whatever that means, but I’m coming back for a decent Leave – a chance for reassignment – and damn it, girl, you’d better watch out – for I aim to catch you off balance – and Marry You !!

Have to close now, sweetheart. Hope everything is O.K. at home. Love to the folks and

All my deepest love is yours –


about Imagining the Future of Television

In May 1945, Clarke, a physicist and science fiction author who was also the secretary of the British Interplanetary Society at that time, circulated six copies of his paper “The Space-Station: Its Radio Applications” to his society colleagues. What follows, written by Dylan Tweney, comes from Wired online magazine's feature called "This Day in Tech", which tells of events which shaped the "wired" world. It's title is "May 25, 1945: Sci-Fi Author Predicts Future by Inventing It".

On 25 May 1945: Arthur C. Clarke began privately circulating copies of a paper that proposed using space satellites for global communications.

Figure II from Arthur C. Clarke’s May 25, 1945, paper “shows diagrammatically some of the specialized services that could be provided by the use of differing radiator systems. Program from A being relayed to point B and area C. Program from D being relayed to whole hemisphere.”
(Tiny letters A,B,C, and D
are hard to see on Earth's surface!)

It was a bold suggestion for 1945, as the war was just winding down and most people were undoubtedly more concerned about the necessities of life than they were with beaming radio waves down from space. But Clarke, a physicist and budding science-fiction author, had his head firmly in the future. The paper, “The Space-Station: Its Radio Applications,” suggests that space stations could be used for broadcasting television signals.

[Click HERE to read Clarke's article.]

The Space-station was originally conceived as a refueling depot for ships leaving the Earth. As such it may fill an important though transient role in the conquest of space, during the period when chemical fuels are employed…. However, there is at least one purpose for which the station is ideally suited and indeed has no practical alternative. This is the provision of world-wide ultra-high-frequency radio services, including television.

(Television itself was barely a commercial reality at this point, so that’s some forward thinking.)

Clarke followed up on this private paper with an article published in October 1945 in Wireless World titled, “Extra-Terrestrial Relays: Can Rocket Stations Give World-wide Radio Coverage?” The paper discusses how rocket technology, such as that used in German V-2s during the war, could be turned to peaceful ends by launching artificial satellites into orbit. All you needed, Clarke argued, was a rocket capable of pushing a payload past an orbital-insertion velocity of 8 km/second [5 miles/second].

However, the smallest orbits — such as those that would be used by the Russian Sputnik satellites in the following decade — would circle the earth in about 90 minutes. Because of basic orbital mechanics, the farther out you could get a satellite, the slower its orbit around the Earth would be. At one point, about 42,000 km [about 26,100 miles] from the center of the Earth, the satellite’s orbit would be exactly 24 hours, the same as the Earth’s rotation. Clarke wrote, in Wireless World:

A body in such an orbit, if its plane coincided with that of the earth’s equator, would revolve with the earth and would thus be stationary above the same spot on the planet. It would remain fixed in the sky of a whole hemisphere and unlike all other heavenly bodies would neither rise nor set.

Clarke wasn’t the first to propose such an orbit, known as geostationary, but his essay did popularize the idea. And while it may have seemed far-fetched in 1945, it was less than 12 years before Sputnik and only 17 years before the first TV broadcast satellite, Telstar. Then, in 1965, Intelsat began launching the first satellite system based on geostationary satellites, and there are more than 300 such satellites in Clarke orbits today. The future of communications evolved much as Clarke had foreseen it.

Although Clarke eventually became more famous as a science-fiction author, penning such classics as 2001 and Childhood’s End, he regarded his satellite proposal as more significant. I interviewed Clarke for a profile in Mobile PC magazine’s March 2004 issue. The headline referred to him as “The Father of the Star Child.” He replied with this note, handwritten on a reprint of his original Wireless World story:

Appreciate the write-up in March … but I think being ‘father’ of the COMSAT more important than the Star Child!