02 June, 2011

02 June, 1944

438th AAA AW BN
APO 654 % Postmaster, N.Y.
2 June, 1944       0720

Dearest darling –

A nice cool day today and it’s welcome after the past several days’ heat and humidity. I’ve just come up from breakfast and here I am. It just dawned upon me, dear, that you don’t know much about the start of our day; I usually start you off with the dispensary. Actually we get up at 0615 and all go down to the big lawn where we have calisthenics starting at 0630 and lasting for 15 minutes. I then go up and shave – while listening to the news and go down to eat at about 0700. I usually return in 15-20 minutes and I find now that the least interrupted part of my day is from that time until about 0800. The reason I could never write before at that time was because Charlie was living with me then and we used to lie on our beds and gab.

What started me on the subject of calisthenics, Sweetheart, is the fact that something unusual occurred this morning. Three of the fellows in our outfit who have been sweating out their promotions for a long time – had them come thru last nite. This morning, when we were all lined up for exercise – we made a drive for all three and carried them down to the pond and threw them in. It was really something to see. The Colonel – by the way – had been consulted, and he thought it was a fine idea.

Yesterday, darling, I got two letters from you – one V-mail and one regular. The V- mail mentioned for a second time something about the Red Cross – and I’m curious to know how you’re going to like it. Is the position purely voluntary and do you work gratis – or is there pay associated with it after awhile? And what office do you work in – I mean what part of Boston or Brookline? I’m glad you’re starting it, dear, not because I think you should be reproached for hanging around, but because it will occupy your time and make the days go by faster. I jut don’t want you to get tired of waiting, darling.

You asked me why I didn’t mention the bracelet your grandmother gave you. It’s funny, dear, I thought I had and was sure I had until I received your letter. What really happened is that I wrote my folks about it. I often write them some details that I write to you too and I get a little confused the next day – when I ask myself whether or not I mentioned a certain thing. If I wrote it to my folks one day – I feel like I’ve written it to you – or vice versa of course – and I omit it. I’m sure you’ve experienced the same dilemma. At any rate, darling, I did think it was swell of her to give you so lovely a gift – although your drawing should have been colored – darling – to give me a better picture! I don’t know much about when you wear such things – but it must be very stunning on the right occasion. I guess you should thank Granny for me, too. That’s one item I can forget about having to buy you, darling – but frankly, I want to buy you everything you have, because it is I who loves you and can thereby derive the greatest amount of pleasure in seeing you happy. That’s what I want, dear, – to make you happy and keep you happy – and that will be my goal. It will be a pleasure to do, too.

Darling – that’s all for now. Love to the folks – and

All my love forever, dear


about The Prelude to the Invasion

On Friday 2 June 1944, all across Southern England, vast military conveys made their way from the embarkation camps towards Plymouth, Torquay and Exmouth, Southampton, Southsea and Eastbourne. In every port, special vehicle slipways – or 'hards' – had been built, piers converted into ammunition dumps and, in the skies, hundreds of landing-craft silver barrage balloons were buffeted by the wind. The stage was set for the biggest military operation in history...

Below are the minutes of a meeting of the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) regarding the impending invasion, dated the 2nd of June, 1944.

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