12 November, 2010

12 November, 1943 (to her Mother)

438th AAA AW BN
APO 4916 c/o Postmaster N.Y.
Nov. 12, 1943    0905

Dear Mrs. B,

Just a short while ago I could say and write what I darned pleased; right now my mail is censored. The worst part about it is the fact that I have to censor my own mail; that puts you on your honor too much to my liking.

Well first of all I’m still in this country. As a matter of fact I’m where I thought I would go. It’s very pleasant here – and the conveniences are many. We’ve been pretty busy here the past few days, but the work has gradually tapered off.

I’ve managed to call Wilma twice; the last time being last evening while I was on pass in the City. We’re allowed 12 hour passes and I believe I spent 3 hours trying to get through to Holyoke. When I finally got connected, it was only to find that the phone was out of order. I then called the College directly and got hooked up with Wilder, only to find that Wilma had left for some meeting or other and wouldn’t be back until 10 p.m. At any rate I finally spoke with her at that hour, and I think at least eight telephone operators breathed sighs of relief. Wilma seems to be studying hard and catching up with her work which I have no doubt was partly neglected on account of me. I’m sure she isn’t too far behind though.

I sure would have liked to be around for Wilma’s Birthday and Graduation, but I just missed out. I’ll be with her in spirit though, and I know she knows that. There’ll be other Birthdays to celebrate, fortunately, and don’t think that I don’t plan to celebrate them all, let alone making up for those I miss.

Well, there’s lots more I could say, but little more I’m permitted to write. I can say this, though, that the past months since I’ve known Wilma have been very happy ones for me, and in no small way at all this has been due to the thoughtfulness and friendliness which both you and Mr. B have shown to me. I certainly have appreciated these things, and if I haven’t expressed my feelings too openly it’s simply because we sometimes feel things we find hard to express.

For the time being I’ll have to say ‘so long’, – and give Mr. B my best regards.

P.S. I hope I hear from you again.

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