26 November, 2010

26 November, 1943

[Note from FOURTHCHILD: This is a continuation of the previous letter.]

438th AAA AW BN
APO 515 % Postmaster, N.Y.
Somewhere in England
Nov. 26, 1943     1120
Darling –

I was right. By waiting another day, I was able to get our new APO number duly marked above. This should be ours for some time I presume. Also I know definitely now that we can say we’re in England. My earlier letters didn’t allow that – although I did write it. It is because of that fact, dear, that I fear some of those letters did not get to you. It seems that it is not so much the strictness that causes the trouble as much as the time element – and that is why our letters are held up – so that there will be no association of time and place.

Anyway dear – we are somewhat settled now and everything is quite fine. I may say that the scenery and background here are everything I imagined them to be, and all British soldiers with whom we have met are extremely friendly and apparently glad to see us. We are allowed passes I’m told and have very little trouble getting to the big cities.

Sweetheart – that’s all for now. I do hope that some of these letters are getting through to you, dear, and I hope also to hear from you soon. Be well, darling, and by the time you get this – you should be doing some hard studying for those big exams – so hit them hard and good luck.

So long for now and all my love


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